DeSantis says 'take your fake meat elsewhere' and signs bill banning lab-grown meat

I think they have to label it on the front of the container if I’m not mistaken.

really? what do they say? “fake meat?”

If you don’t mind what brand name should I google I’d like to check out the ingredients…

This “The meat is grown in a lab” stuff???

I think it’s more like “the beef in this package is lab grown.”

I would like to read more about the Governor’s reasoning behind this decision.

DeSantis has been a damn good governor and he tends to make pretty thoughtful decisions…During covid he got hammered for some of the things he did but in the end he turned out to be right.

Respectfully to the person who started this thread we’ve got one side of the story from someone with a financial interest in selling a certain product and threatening legal action…I’m guessing there’s more to it than is in the original post.

Guess I’ll do some googling later tonight.


is this by law?

His reasoning is to protect ranching interests.

Then he couched it in stupid culture war terms.


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Taking a page right out of libs playbook…that’s no no.

Personally…if it’s not real meat…they shouldn’t advertise it as meat.

It should saw…FAKE Beef made by soyboys for soyboys.


How is he any different than say what California does? Or NY?


I guess it isn’t much different really.

I just find it funny from a libertarian that one would be anti free market.

Plus his speech about elitist in Davos was just stupid.

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Ah, that explains it.

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Good for DeSantis. You can go peddle your fake meat where it’s wanted.


It is not on the market yet. No name yet.

Actually, once our lawsuit overturns this stupid law, we will sell what we like, where we like and DeSantis and play hide and go ■■■■ himself.


Respectfully…I ll do my own research thank you very much.

Your history of truth telling…

It’s a little shakey.

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It’s all in the statement that he gave.

Being repeated by a lib…


You tell me why he did it.

You can’t sell it as meat…it’s not.

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