DeSantis says 'take your fake meat elsewhere' and signs bill banning lab-grown meat

It is not WE vs THEY.

It is possible to support BOTH and my company does so.

You didn’t answer the question. Is it safe…

I literally could care less about fake meat…”the were so pre occupied with they could they never stopped to think if they should”…(I know I messed up the quote). So I don’t pay much attention but I seem to remember hearing about cancer.

If Florida chooses to ban it you’ve got more fake food for the states that want it.

Yes, it is safe to eat, after several very rigorous studies.

If you say so…Think I’ll bar b que some burgers tonight.

(sorry but I won’t be sampling your products)

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Dumb. Let the consumers decide for themselves, because I can’t see how lab grown meat is any worse than Taco Bell or Jack in the Box.


free market!

except gas cars. gas stoves. gas water heaters, lawn mowers and all other things lefties hate. then jackboots cool


People should be free to make and eat that lab-grown filth, because it’s not illegal to be disgustingly stupid enough to eat lab-grown filth. :rofl:


That’s (D)ifferent. A Republican did this. :wink:


OK, makes sense. I would frankly be happy if ersatz meat could be uniformly labeled as such, but can’t do that either.

Safiel what’s your fake meat made out of.

Plants…with a bunch of filler…

Cells harvested from something stirred around in a vat and then pressed into a patty…

Some synthetic computer modeled soymeal and beet pulp tofu mix or something?

Just curious what the mystery ingredients are.

how clear is it to the consumer that their “meat” is not meat?

btw how much did deranged rich weirdo bill gates pay you to vent and swear about this ?

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Bill gates is the kind of lib hypocrite we all need to reject. He’d be just fine b with you and I eating cricket and grasshopper burgers while he and his buddies dine on the finest cuts of wagyu in the comfort of their private jets.


“Gates’ solution? Ditch the real beef for the fake stuff. “You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time,” he added.”

Taste difference? So what we will wind up is real beef for the wealthy and fake beef for the poor.
Anyway, by supporting banning fake beef, DeSantis likely got it accepted by the same group who had a fit about genetically engineered corn.


you know what’s astounding? that others don’t see this. they dont get that they are who he hates

what can you do

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Just for the record.

I personally eat traditional beef.

I personally use gas ranges and other gas appliances.

I oppose the restriction or ban of gas appliances.

I oppose DeSantis acting like Biden just as much as I would oppose Biden acting like DeSantis.

And I want everybody to have the free choice to eat traditional beef, lab grown beef or plant protein based meat substitute.

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Plant based proteins are rendered from pea and wheat. Our ingredients, by law, are publicly available.

Lab grown meat is cultured from stem cells originating from cattle and are REAL beef by definition. The meat is merely grown in a lab, rather than in the animal.

While fake meat is not for me, I would not inhibit its production, marketing, sale, distribution, etc.

Pot is not for me. Tobacco is not for me. Vaping is not for me. Beer is not for me. EVs are not for me. But free-market, live and let live. If someone else wants it, they should be able to buy it.

It looks to me like the bill DeSantis signed was directed at the notion that fake meat will help mitigate global warming. It’s the same sort of knee-jerk opposition to electric vehicles. Egghead and government marketing of “green” initiatives seems to cause some people to lose their minds and toss the baby with the bathwater.

As for hurting the Florida economy, it seems to me that a warm, humid area would welcome new crops grown for the purpose of making veggie-meat. And why would a governor want to discourage new industry from adding to the state’s economy?

I like a lot of what DeSantis does. But I have to limit my statement from absolutes because of stuff like this bill.


I’m not sure what Florida’s plan is with this. If someone wants to eat impossible meat then why shouldn’t they be able to?


still curious. you know “free market” this hour.