DeSantis ready to announce

He blew it, it’s Trumps for the taking.


Monotone Ron. He will put voters to sleep.


Ok, what’s disastrous about it?

Ummm- the launch glitched.

Fox takin shots.

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Well, if you want to think ringing microphones, false starts, lags, silences, and the main character suddenly and unexpectedly leaving the chat, being run on a platform by a so-called tech genius to be a runaway successful way to launch a presidential campaign, yay!

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Meh, the tech issues are minor compared to his dead fish delivery.

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Im going to nitpick. When you’re using a new feature on a social media site (Twitter Spaces) and you’re “appearing” with the billionaire owner tech genius, and there’s no video, and you’re pretending it’s some modern way to launch a presidential campaign, it’s up to his campaign staff and Elno and his staff to make sure everything was ready to go and working perfectly. Everyone was lazy with this. Or that’s how it comes off.

After that, he would have been better off announcing in a room full of cheering supporters and flags and babies and apple pie.

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According to Fox, Trump tweeted (or truthed) the following:

“Rob,’ My Red Button is bigger, better, stronger, and is working (TRUTH!), yours does not! (per my conversation with Kim Jung Un, of North Korea, soon to become my friend!)," Trump said in the post.“

Not sure what that even means.

That is weird. I guess Trump and Kim fell out of love.


The announcement was not disastrous…but it was low energy and Repugs have a sweet tooth.

Will be interesting to see the mix

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I said he botched it, that applies to all of it. His mono delivery will persist even if his production value goes up, that’s why I singled it out.

Par for Trump. He doesn’t make sense half the time but he connects with voters like crazy.

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Poor showing on Elons part as well, crashing and burning at 250k while youtube did a playstation with video show today with no hiccup and 750k concurrent, twitter was a stupid radio in comparison. AM twitter good job.


I don’t understand why his voters can’t see that he has no possibility of winning in 2024. Even worse, if Desantis did actually best him in the primary, Trump will absolutely run as a third party candidate just to burn the country down.

You have to look at the national polls to see why Trump supporters are pretty high on his chances. However the early swing state polls have Trump losing their primaries. I am still skeptical that Trump would ever run third party because he would not consider being a loser. However it is still early and I am thinking that Trump is about to face some federal and state indictments.

Quite a few battle ground states where within one percentage point in 2020 it could go either way in 24, especially if Biden doesn’t improve his numbers he is tanking in polling with groups he won in 2020, especially independents.

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