Desantis Protect Parental Rights in Education

Yes, and you jumped in the middle of it, trolling the same nonsense as the others.

Yes, I’ve heard the excuses for dragging Trump into every thread.

Yes, threads evolve, and people like you drag them off topic because you are incapable of debating the actual topic. It’s ok.

Ranting about “red meat” and phones so you don’t have to address the actual law and the issues it addresses. Tsk, tsk. Low information must be tough in this age of information capitalism.


Bills are passed after the problem is identified. Unfortunate but true.

Here you go;


:rofl::+1:t4: good one

Homosexuality is icky. It’s disgusting.

The downside of the CCP bio-weapon. On-line schooling let parents into classrooms.

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Shine the light!

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No one is owed approval of what they do. Nor should they waste time seeking it.

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I’m of the opinion that any teacher who cannot refrain from talking about sexual orientation in class should step down or be fired.

There’s no need to discuss that at all in class.

How about going back to teaching subjects like English, Math, Science, etc???

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These are equally dumb statements.

How asinine. Adults should be taught not to make life perilous for people who are different from them, anf children should be allowed to be who they are and not forced to be what someone else wants them to be.

You make it your place when you support politicians who hold these attitudes and act on it.

The last guy I voted for for President was waving a gay pride flag around.

Must. Point. Out. Bad. Gay. Things.

You don’t appear to. Your barrel of quasi intellectual hobnobbery seems to be bottomless.

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Yeah, people became infected with crit tourettes and started running from their own shadows because angy media told them to be angy.

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Never fails. Drop a “Ur dumb” because you got got and have nothing to actually add.

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His point is he thinks teachers need to be monitored 24/7 because otherwise they will be bad.

Because of course a healthy learning environment involves believing the teacher is your adversary instead of your partner.

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There were already ways to address “the problem” that didn’t require virtue signaling legislation…

And when the problem is misidentified, as it clearly was here?

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Well it was pretty bad, chicken hawks were a known and accepted part of their community. That would never happen if their community had included a lot of parents.