Desantis Protect Parental Rights in Education

Woke Fragility

What kind of pronouns you use is a choice, not a minority.
And your not teaching my child about lesbians oppresses no one.


Crits share our vocabulary, not our dictionary.

In Crit-ese, “democracy” presumes post-revolution.

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Thank you for being honest.

Completely out of date with your knowledge on the subject…but honest.


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Teaching kids there are different types of people in the world is not “teaching your child about lesbians”.

Truly interesting that there is a strong correlation between people who believe themselves to be “critical, independent thinkers” are the ones most scared that their children are easily programmable little robots that will be indoctrinated forever.

Yes- interesting how they view children.

Yet somehow as kids, these people who so fear their kids will be indoctrinated themselves avoided this kind of “programming” to become the “independent thinkers” they are today.

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You can read about this independent free thinking here.

Or rather mass indoctrination.

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Putting LIBS back in their place.

You’re using sexual freaks to undermined everything that is normal in society and our republic.

Same way libs uses other minorities. To advance your authoritarian state.


You are supporting a law that tells people what they can and can not talk about and you are accusing others of being authoritarian…


Also, I bet you have some gay relatives.

And yet libs have no idea how they’re using systemic and structural racism to advance their agenda…or maybe they do. :thinking:


We are supporting a law that prohibits the state from advancing their corrupted state agenda.

How is it authoritarian when you’re preventing the state…and yes teachers union is the state.

Only a lib would think prevent the state/government as authoritarian.


You are using the power of the state to prevent teachers talking about members of American society.

Hooray for small government!

Its no different than say a law forbidden the teaching of a book.

False and absurd.


Teacher are the state…libs did that. Now we are preventing the state from indoctrination kids to become state controlled. And only a lib like yourself would claim preventing authorities from carrying out their state agenda as authoritarian.

Nice try lib. American people see lies and deception you’re doing.


Tell me libs. Maybe this should have a thread of it’s own.

Is the Bill of Rights authoritarian?

The state is the divine idea as it exists on earth. The state will be perfected. …the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the state.

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So I am sure you would be fine with the KKK leading a class of the benefits of White Supremacy. Correct? You wouldn’t want the power of the State preventing it.

Even then it’s not same…KKK isn’t the state as our schools have become. That and teachers union are tools of state as well.

Only a lib would think stopping them from using the state power as authoritarian.

So I’ll ask libs again. Is BoR’s authoritarianism?

No I am talking about using the state to prevent a school from teaching the benefits of White Supremacy. My guess he is fine with it then.


Ah, I see. You’re correct.


You don’t see a difference between showing support for LGBTQ with a rainbow bracelet, and promoting racism?
