Desantis Protect Parental Rights in Education

Yes…what do YOU think the Bill Of Rights does?


What are all the millions and millions of little trans kids being prohibited from doing by this law?

How am I a zombie?

Teachers have no authority over anything to do with children that isn’t derived from the state.
This law limits and clarifies that authority that the state is granting them.
And a teacher is authorized to teach certain things. A teacher hired to teach math needs to do that, not lecture students, who are forced to be there by state laws, on her opinions about gender or politics all day long.
You just want that decision of what is taught made at a level where they teach what you want them to teach.


No kindergartener is going to be dumbed down because their teacher can’t indoctrinate them about lesbians.
Teachers need to realize that schools are not primarily there for the benefit of the teachers, but for the students and their parents.
Most teachers, of course, have no problem with this.
Those who feel they just can’t teach first grade without covering lesbianism…well, if they quit then IMO the law has done well.


So if there’s issues handing them out on school time, then why should gay teachers get to hand out gay pride bracelets on school time?

And it isn’t just school time that Christian teachers have been fired for, but on school property. And it isn’t just handing out that lands them in trouble. Christian teachers ( and students) have gotten in trouble for even having Bibles at school. There’s a double standard and you guys know it…


They are starting to be stood up to and THEY DON’T Like It!


Just stop indoctrinating the kids. Simple as that.

They want to indoctrinate the kids of others and that is why they are pissed.


Yeah that’s it.

You have it all figured out.


How is supporting LGBTQ the same as supporting a religion?

Correct. Think literacy laws that turned to grandfather laws once white people figured out most white people could read either. Even thought grandfather laws never said “black people cant vote”… it still shut out black people because most black people didn’t have a grandfather who voted… since they were all slaves.

Sneaky sneaky people

Correct again

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It seems to me that a law that is passed that would let’s say affect teachers who go by they/them pronouns would be more affected by it than those who would go by he/him or she/her is something that is along the lines of what CRT is describing.

A law that on the paper is written in a neutral fashion but in intent and enforcement is targeted towards a minority.

Now… I am just a dumb guy on the internet… but if that is the case then it seems like the uneven enforcement of the law against a minority for the benefit of the ruling majority would show that maybe CRT has a point.

Am I wrong?


Oh, the irony!

No, you are right and a smart guy!

One could even argue that conservatives are using the tenets of CRT to find oppressive anti conservatives educational policies


CRT totally has a point, re: systemic and structural racism. It’s not really debatable—or even controversy-worthy.

The best one is sneaky (hi!) with the critical theory thing. It’s fascinating to me. The idea that a handful of Jewish intellectual emigres fleeing Nazi Germany and settling in NYC in the 1930s is leading to the gradual takeover of all our American institutions by leftists.

I’ve actually studied these guys; they essentially invented the field of popular culture studies. But the idea that’s there’s a direct line from their highly abstract and academic work (again, shaped by their context: the rise of fascism in Germany; one was shot trying to escape) to, say, your HR department’s diversity training or a school’s tolerance for different pronouns or sex ed is ■■■■■■■■

The Frankfurt School critical theorists aren’t even particularly fashionable in academia, let alone anywhere else. But, yeah, they’re driving everything—not consumerism, not racism, not not technology, not globalism, not nationalism, not actual historical-social movements like Civil Rights or LGBT rights and every other ■■■■■■■ factor over the last 80 years. No, it all comes down to a handful of Jewish immigrants.

The Nazis called it “cultural Bolshevism”; Anders Brevik (the Norwegian mass shooter) called it “cultural Marxism” in his manifesto. Our wingnuts recycle the same dumbass boogie men.


How are they different?

Like the entire Lib platform isn’t built in hate:

Hate Trump, Hate America, Hate Christians, Hate the nuclear family, Hate Conservatives, Hate capitalism

Hate the fact that the “IRREDEEMABLE, DEPLORABLE WALMART SHOPPERS” desperately clinging to our guns and Bibles are fighting back!


Are you to tell me that a theory that a small group of jews taking over the world is wrong?

So… grievance.

Fighting back for what purpose?

To put LBGTQ back “in their place”?

What, exactly, are you fighting for?