DeSantis Drops Out

No, of course not.

He fell in live with Kim.

And then we fell in love, okay? No, really - he wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters.”

~Donald Trump swooning over Kim Jong Un

ah ok good as long as you realize it’s not literal.

But it is serious.

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But meeting him was, what was the point of all that, meeting a dictator of the most oppressed nation on earth.
There was no benefit to the US of any kind.

maybe to establish better relations…?

crazy huh?

Define “better”.

“He’s a jerk, so I can’t vote for another 4 years of peace and prosperity.”

This is definitely among the most petty and stuck up reasons I’ve personally heard so far. It’s not the first time, either. People get really snooty when it comes to politicians acting like them or people they know.

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But how people are not let in or out of the country.
The only thing that could have possibly have been advantageous would have been to use the opportunity to get Kim to refrain from producing nuclear weapons.
That conversation didn’t seem to be ever on the cards.

It’s easy to throw stones across the pond while ignoring ugly past of killing/terrorizing one another over a religion and control.


Hey not throwing stones at anyone here merely asking what was the point of Trump meeting Kim Jong Un of all people.

It was worth a shot. Can’t fault him for trying.


And what harm was done? None.

what if relations had improved?

As SWP said…it was worth the shot.

The shot at what exactly.
What was the point.
Was nuclear capabilities on the agenda or something.
The international community were scratching their heads in disbelief.

Roe v Wade can be hung like an albatross around Trump’s neck.

Don’t give a ■■■■ what “international community” thinks.


Made us look weak.

They didn’t.

What if it had declined?

Grand fair enough but what did you think of it.
Meeting a leader of the most oppressive country on earth that is the antithesis of everything the US stands for, for no apparent reason.

You’re just mad that Obama wasn’t the one.

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Facts are clear…NK done no more nuclear testing or launch long range missiles while Trump was in office.

Who know what would have happen if if Trump won in 2020.

But hey…Elitist snobs of Europe knows what’s best for America.


It was oh so much more than that, it was the moment the world questioned who the US were anymore.