DeSantis Drops Out

“they’re not bad folks, folks”

— biden, on Chy-na


Wait what?


Well, he runs 1.4 billion people with an iron fist. Smart, brilliant, everything perfect. There’s nobody in Hollywood like this guy.

Trump on President Xi

so they’re bad folks?

Obama got 8 years for being that.


You can’t beat Pelosi, Shumer,or Biden for being jerks plus being America Last.


yeah good point. they are the OG’s of big time jerks

shows you they really dont care about that one bit. of course. they just want trannies in the ladies room and pure digital carbon based currency.

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Well that pretty much seals the primaries, Jezcoe I will need to borrow your spare Maga hat looks like the writings on the wall.


Too much ego.

I suspect she will stay in and her big bucks democrats will keep sending her millions hoping against hope the dems can get Trump into prison on some of their phony radical partisan “charges” or maybe the SC will allow him taken off the ballots.



Good news now we’re definitely getting what we deserve.

It’s not so much about what we deserve as it is about what we “asked” for.

If we ask for it, we deserve it. I am reminded of the Jews demanding a king and a calf.

And for their sins, He gave them both.

Needs new material IMO.

Same tired nonsense.

So, Xi isn’t smart, brilliant, perfect?

As we all know… I loves me some MAGA

Famous for it.

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did they really fall in love?

How is this not an ideal scenario for democrats.
A man who Biden has already beaten by a historic margin, who is facing multiple court cases and if convicted will loose at least 25% of voters.
This is a gift not even accounting for roe v Wade voters.