Dems to request Trump tax Returns

Trump won’t release his tax returns. Hell, he can’t. Dude has been dirty for 50 years.

He can’t even take personal responsibility for his own actions.

This is just the beginning. And rightly so. The Trump admin has operated with no oversight until now. This is great news for the American people.


A request for taxes that all modern presidents have provided is weaponizing? Lol. Victim hood run deep with you.

overseeing the POTUS is also governing.

Victimhood is what animated many Trump supporters. They got everything they want last election and they still spend 2 years whining about being victimized.


And off those who don’t think that All County a Building and Maintenance is no big deal, think on this… the President and his father used an illegal method to transfer wealth from one generation to the next without paying taxes.

What is the chances that the same thing is going on you transfer wealth to his children?


You know, I think I’d like a gander at his birth certificate while they’re at it.

I agree…

Like firing James Comey?

You know the people in charge of finding illegal things in tax returns already have them right?

Who do those people work for?

You wouldn’t be trying to undermine faith in our institutions would you? Some party or another told me that’s not very patriotic.

So if the President is committing self dealing as tax avoidance… which isn’t out of the question because he did it before… it wouldn’t be that big of a deal.


Gee, that sure doesn’t look like anything I wrote.

Then it is fine to look into.


Just pointing out, it’s already been looked at by the people who’s job it is to find illegal things in tax returns, so good luck with that.

And that is if dems in the house can force him to hand them over, which is debatable.

Same thing happened with Fred Trump.

Took resources other than a gutted IRS investigative branch to shine light into that dark corner.

Aleeady done. See Teapot Dome, the whole reason they can request these returns in the first place.