Dems to request Trump tax Returns

Don’t you want to find out if fat donald has been a money launderer?

They subpoena them if he refuses.

I think it would be good for the American people to know how the whole Trump Soho deal went down.


Exactly. The one thing lacking in this admin. was checks and balances. That’s over.

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Elections have consequences. As the Carpenters once sang, "We’ve Only Just Begun … "

Happy Election Day, conan. :slight_smile:

Revenge is coming! Stockpile, buy gold!

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife!

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Correction: don’t you want to see Donald’s reaction when he has to acknowledge what we’ve known all along?

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My bad, eating my peas now.

I wonder if their going to going to look into why Ivanka’s company which is no longer operating was just issued a Chinese patent for voting machines.

So The Donald is going to run for office in China. :yum:

Is the audit finished?

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Has there been an official announcement by Democratic leadership?

Or a “My sources say” from a reporter?

It does make a difference, even though it is probably true.

After all of the ridiculous ■■■■■■■■ that the rethugs put Hillary through that you cheered on gleefully about, you have a lot of gall saying that.

About two-thirds of voters think that Trump should release his tax returns, so if he doesn’t, it will be a good thing to hammer him with until 2020.

On what basis?

What ever basis they feel like.

For someone who only cared about sticking it to the lobs, you sure are a whiney baby now that the shoe is on the other foot. Grow up!


Congressional oversight.

Giving whiskey and car keys to teenagers always never results in a happy ending.

Great strategy, do nothing but attack the POTUS for two years.
Alrighty now Dems, form a circle, face each other, raise your muskets and FIRE!