Dems threaten to pull funding over sanctuary cities

Not if they want to play the judge activist game, no.

You’re telling me you don’t want judges to rule in the liberal way every time?

I rarely post or read gun threads. So I’m sorry I don’t really know.

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Liberals and democrats were pretty ticked how W Bush got elected, and how he governed. He also did some pretty shady things…but it never came close to him being impeached. Trump pushed the line of presidential powers well over the threshold of being acceptable.

It has been said many times…but if Obama had done what Trump has done…R’s would have impeached him faster than a light particle.

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Libs also supported Dubya Boosh when he reincarnated as Obama. lol

@mobulis I have to think you’re goosing people, but geezus that is horrific and counter-productive. Why?

There are different ways that judges can rule in court cases and, contrary to what you might believe, you are not always right. Not every liberal argument is right and not every conservative argument is right.

If you put in judge that will side with you regardless of what the constitution (state or federal) says, you are not running the government well.

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Respectfully disagree.

The majority of gun owners are responsible.
Having limits and regulations complies with the constitution.

I personally would prefer that. But I do not want extreme liberal judges making that call.

A more centrist judge would look at all sides, then judge accordingly. If the decision went liberal, good. It it went conservative, so be it.

Why wouldn’t they think that when a state representative says they will call in the national guard, he’s reinforcing every negative stereotype about government taking your guns.

Maybe when Marshall law is invoked, that may happen.

But if Marshall law is invoked…we have much more serious problems.

Posters stated that even if guns were banned you couldn’t take them all, you can and that’s how simple.

Really? how many, what type and where are my guns? Hint not one is registered.

You literally can’t do that. It’s illegal, horrific, dangerous, and stupid to contemplate.

All true, and it would work.

There’s this thing people can do called looking.

And what has Trump done again?



Who the hell is Marshall?