"Dems Only" restaurants...Just like Whites only?

Why do you not like Trump?

Have you met him?

Do you know him personally?

Of course it is. Anonymity is a powerful thing.

A lot of work has been done on it and mobs. Rex Applegate made a 2nd career with it.

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Man you guys just take the bait every time. Troll machine spews out another ticket because some restaurant owner doesn’t like Sarah Sanders, and now it’s our prime area of conversation for 72 hours.

Debt is spiking, GOP is punting again on immigration, Trump approval rating crashing - guess we need another distraction. Let’s get mad about a single restaurant owner being rude to someone. Until the end of this week, when this will be but a distant memory and we’ll all be bickering about some other completely useless pointless anecdotal hunk of nothing.

Sorry, it obviously flew past me. I was defensive because I’m not a fan of Waters nor her suggestion to harass Trump supporters

“Just add Waters”?

Come on man! That’s some good stuff. Cup O’ Soup! Ramen!

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This is a discussion forum, not Congress.

This topic is fun. Deficits are boring.

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I believe your right. I do it myself to some extent. I would never harass another person but I’ve definitely said a few things over the years I wouldn’t say in person (or be embarrassed over)

New interpretation of apartheid by he left :roll_eyes:

Thanks for this. I guess this will age me a bit, but I don’t understand how some random server posting on Facebook with what I can only assume would be a typical friend list of a couple hundred at most, would lead to Twitter posts and Yelp reviews carried by thousands or tens of thousands of people prior to Sanders weighing in. I’m not saying that’s not what happened. I just don’t get it. Getting old stinks. :man_facepalming:

I can’t find anything else either, but it seems to me if he was lying or mistaken the owner would deny it. So far at least, that hasn’t happened, and his accusation has been out there for awhile.

Except for the running out of time thing, I kinda like it.


It’s not as difficult as it seems. Online mobs can crate havoc very quickly. It only needs to be seen by the right eyeballs… someone who has thousands or even millions of followers to tweet or post about it, and we are away to the races.

Things can go viral very, very quickly.

I don’t use FB but do use Twitter, although much of my involvement there is observing and reading other tweets. Something can be widely shared by thousands within minutes.

As I said, it’s just a matter of the right people (those with huge followings) and before you know it, the story is everywhere.


It’s better than the alternative. At least based on what I can observe from a pretty limited dataset.

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Here’s the thing. He makes a ‘yahoo we threw SHS out of the restaurant. Here’s the sign showing we 86’d her’ posts the pic, and then it gets re-tweeted a blue billion times and then WHAM!!! You got yerself a real live Drama, there Mr. Llama. :stuck_out_tongue:

She had to address it at some point because it was becoming an issue, she did not however set out to make it an issue.


Yes, it has been out there for what would be considered a long time for a news cycle anymore.

Yep, well same here to be honest. I’ve posted things online I regretted later.

But the hate mobs online are really a creation of social media, and the ability to remain anonymous.

So true. The news cycle changes so fast, one person on Twitter remarked that we are now aging in dog years. :joy:

Seems like ages ago Trump had his meeting with Dear Leader. And that was this month.

It’s getting where I can’t keep up anymore. :joy:

Sarah, the lying hag, wasn’t kicked out of that restaurant because of her party affiliation, she was asked to leave because of her character association.

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Many reasons, however I’ll pick an easy one - I don’t like or respect men that cheat on their spouses.

Now, I wonder if @joanne will let us know why she doesn’t like Jim Acosta. Sounds like she has some personal disagreement with him, and that it’s not related to his reporting.