"Dems Only" restaurants...Just like Whites only?

And it’s amazing to watch the complete 180 being performed by liberals cheering this bakery, as evidenced in this very thread, because it’s your side doing it.

Liberals allegedly hated discrimination. Why are they loving it and embracing it now?

Are you purposefully dense or…?

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I seem to remember a long thread in which you got owned the upside was though that the difference was clearly explained.

Trying to appeal to those across the aisle!

Sorry for the trolling, I’m done now.

Anyway, is it really discrimination to refuse service to Sanders? They’re not refusing based on her beliefs but her actions.

So therefore you won’t answer or are you afraid your response will be hypocritical?

Not discrimination. But show lack of class and pettiness in my opinion. I have no reason to go to Lexington, and would avoid that ■■■■■■■■ of a restaurant if I ever did like a plague.

That’s pretty funny.

Moderates don’t talk about wanting to get rid of due process

Thank the Supreme Court…it’s ok to refuse service based on religious beliefs/ morals now.

“70 percent GOP”…:rofl:

I just did, No trend. Old story. Probably, fake news considering the year…

It does show a lack of class and pettiness rivaled by the Trump administration themselves.

Now, I don’t know what your censored word is, but I have no reason to believe that the restaurant is anything but a fine establishment.

Stop being a CRY BABY. grow up and put your pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us adults. The Court Ruled that the baker could chose who he serves…So the Red Hen Owner is just doing the same…Instead of bitching about it, you should understand that the Supreme Court upheld the right of business owners to serve or deny service to whomever he or she wants to.

The owner has the right to say Ummm Sorry Sanders. You work for Trump…you lie for Trump…I don’t want to serve you. I’m fine with that. If I go someplace and someone says they don’t want my business…I usually go someplace else and say guess what happened to me at that the Red Hen…They wouldn’t serve me. So i am bringing my business here instead. They generally are very grateful.

Grow up already

What a stupid, troll thread.

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Hey we like our Troll threads…ok!

Are republicans going to be asked to wear a little star on their clothing so they can be identified and businesses can decide if they want to serve them or not?

Only if gays have to wear one if they’re wanting a wedding cake.

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In Political terms REP means Representative. Are you too lazy to write republican. I have a hard time knowing what the hell you are talking about most of the time anyway…can you better differentiate between REP and REPUBLICAN? IT might be helpful.

You didn’t answer so try again. Not fake news, was discussed in the old forum. Do you support the tow truck drivers decision? Need more links?



Would like more links or you gonna answer the question?