Democrats' war games for contesting the election

No one has been indicted or charged for speech. Try again.

The indictment argues that Trump deliberately lied to supporters because he knew there was no fraud because the agency that pressured social media to lie and label the Hunter laptop story as Russian disinfo had also told 45/47 that there was no election fraud.

Smith omits Trump’s request that protesters protest “peacefully and patriotically” from the account of Trump’s words, ironically lying by omission in an indictment charging 45/47 with lying, and convicting Smith himself of the same “crime” he is indicting Trump for.

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And we are going to wait until the evidence is given in court. Until then, everything like this is speculation.

Neither is getting the CIA to orchestrate a campaign to silence truthful news reports damaging to Biden.

As far as alternative electors, they are nothing new. See the election of 1876.

The campaign outlined in the report in the OP is just the tip of the iceberg.

The indictment says a lot of things. The only thing I focused on was what Trump has been charged with. He’s not indicted for lying. The charges are for conspiracy. It’s odd how you guys think that maybe if you just don’t acknowledge the actual charges, that it somehow benefits you or Trump. OK. Think that. But the case will unfold with evidence to support the conspiracy charges. Not for simply lying. Not some freedom of speech issue. For conspiracy.

Can we compare Biden to the wooden dummy that a man holds on his right and talks for without openning his mouth sitting on a stool on stage?