Democrats on House panel sue for Trump tax returns

The change you are referring to seems to be created in order to keep Nixon from using the confidential information against his opponents. I don’t see that to be a winning argument in this case.

Nonsense… Here is the exact text of the Revenue Act of 1924…

SEC. 257. (a) Returns upon which the tax has been determined by the Commissioner shall constitute public records; but they shall be restricted. open to inspection only upon order of the President and under rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary and approved by the President: Provided, That the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or a special committee of the Senate or House, shall have the right to call on the Secretary of the Treasury for, and it shall be his duty to furnish, any data of any character contained in or shown by the returns or any of them, that may be required by the committee; and any such committee shall have the right, acting directly as a committee, or by and through such examiners or agents as it may designate or appoint, to inspect all or any of the returns at such times and in such manner as it may determine; and any relevant or useful information thus obtained may be submitted by the committee obtaining it to the Senate or the House, or to both the Senate and House, as the case may be:

Notice how the act makes the records PUBLIC records? There is no 4th amendment issue to litigate, the information is public record.

If it was, it would be life for trump.


Party of Honor and Integrity.

That lie just helped him get what he wanted.

Con man.

That’s because you’re ignoring Trump’s lies.

That’s when no one took him seriously. And along came “The Apprentice” and a TV star was born.

Come on. How funny is it that the biggest con man in the country was elected president and some people still believe he’s cleaner than politicians.

That’s an almost childlike innocence.


YEAH you can… they’re called libelous liberals!

Sure…sucks doesnt it

And the scratching at the bottom of the crazy barrel just goes on and one! :roll_eyes:

The Mueller report was an absolutely damning accounting of horrible behavior by not only Trump himself, but also of several members of his campaign and his administration. It shows clearly and concisely how incredibly unfit for office this man is. And how he is more likely than not to have committed multiple felonies while in office.

I challenge anyone to read the report in full and walk away saying anything different.

That the campaign and Trump himself succeeded in obstructing and preventing Mueller from obtaining a full account of evidence and the truth, preventing potentially more charges, including conspiracy, which is the only reason charges were not filed, as the bar Mueller set for himself was incredibly high, is notwithstanding.

The saving grace for Trump is the power of the Executive, shielding him from criminal indictment, and Mueller who acted in accordance with his high standard of being able to guarantee beyond a reasonable doubt before proceeding.

So, cool. Trump committed crimes and obstructed justice and got away with it. Let’s celebrate!

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I was thinking today how unwilling the Trumpies are to read the Report – or have it read to them for free on Audible. You can’t argue about it from any kind of position without doing that. Talking points (Barr’s) don’t make it.

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Obama lied. A lot in my opinion. Hillary Clinton lied even more. Again, in my opinion. Enough that I was pretty well disgusted with them both. I use past tense because they’ve both exited stage right from government.

But Donald Trump is not even remotely close to the same category as those two when it comes to lies. He has created an unparalleled universe of lying I never imagined possible. Big, small, consequential, inconsequential, explainable, unexplainable, challenging, obvious. It’s not even close to the same. If Trump said water was wet, I’d have to check for myself before agreeing. It’s insane to even try to compare him to any other politician, literally in the history of this country.

I expect the challenge in court to fail. Read the USSC’s opinions in regards to the Census question. That set the stage, in my view, to deny the returns to Congress. The Democrats took the wrong approach. Just like Wilbur Ross and the Trump administration.

I also believe this issue is why the Trump camp abandoned the census issue today. Conceding in favor of this ruling preventing Congress from obtaining his returns on insufficient grounds.

It was my understanding that Roberts did not believe that Ross’ position. Roberts thought Ross’ intent was political in nature.
In that case the lawyers were able to show that studies were conducted and communications about the benefits to one party were considered.
I think the WH will have a hard time showing there is no legislative intent on this one.

It’s telling that people here, who fashion themselves as political junkies, would intentionally refuse to read this report. And shows how important Mueller’s testimony is, even if it is restricted only to him sticking within the four corners of the report. Because people need to be made aware of what a select few of us have learned.

What happened is unconscionable. It should never be allowed to happen again. I find it not only criminal, but quite traitorous as well.

Can you imagine this many posters here refusing to read the 9/11 Commission report? Which we know was nowhere close to the same percentage of refusals by the political junkie class as this report.

Indeed. Roberts felt the intent was political in nature. The Democrats have done the same thing. Made it fairly obvious that the intent is political in nature. Sure, an argument can be made there is legislative intent. But they have refused to have Mnuchin send people to explain the process the IRS follows when it comes to auditing a President. By refusing this step, they make their intentions clear.

Did we try to Impeach Obama over the Reverent Wright? No. Do you think they would have tried to impeach Hillary over cattle futures decades ago? Not a freaking chance.

Not to mention 5 YEARS of Special Counsel investigations over Whitewater to try to impeach Bill Clinton.

… Oh Wait.

… … … Ah ■■■■■

… … … … … … Never mind.