China is doing pretty well. They’re kicking our asses, so obviously they’re doing something right.
If we don’t start imitating China soon, then we’d better start learning Chinese. And getting serious about our badminton.

If we don’t start imitating China soon, then we’d better start learning Chinese. And getting serious about our badminton.
When i feel ambitious I sometimes decide I should learn a new language. It’s either Mandarin, because they’re going to rule the world soon, Arabic, so that I could talk to the large population of migrants who my school district serves, or Spanish, because I live 30 minutes from Mexico.
Oh, sign language would be useful too…
I’m already feeling tired. I’ll put that idea off for another 6 months.

Where is the justice? We have scandalous senators interviewing a candidate for SCOTUS!
Dianne Feinstein, D-California, Ranking Member ( Hypocrite! She h ad a Chinese spy staffer on the payroll for many years and didn’t have a clue. How can she be trusted to hold anything private? Really? She also proposed a ban on handguns from San Francisco in 1983. She is not a proponent for our constitutional rights as Americans.)Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont (Hypocrite! Not good for this committee due to past. Mr. Leahy’s penchant for leaking classified national security information to try to sabotage American foreign policy decisions with which he disagrees has truly made him dangerous to U.S. national security. Mr. Leahy, after all, is the same man who leaked like a sieve during his previous tenure on the Senate Intelligence Committee. The San Diego Tribune, for example, reported that in a 1985 television interview, Mr. Leahy, then vice chairman of the committee, disclosed a top-secret communications intercept of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s telephone conversations. )
Dick Durbin, Illinois (Hypocrite! Not good for this committee due to past. In 2005, he compared U.S. troops to Nazis, remarks that he was forced to apologize for on the Senate floor (via WaPo ): n a press release, Oberweis said Durbin was asked unequivocally whether he or his U.S. Senate staff had ANY contact with the IRS during the IRS scandal other than the well-publicized letter he wrote asking the IRS to target Crossroads GPS on Oct. 10, 2010. )
Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut (Hypocrite and lying poser! “We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,” Mr. Blumenthal said to the group gathered in Norwalk in March 2008. “And you exemplify it. Whatever we think about the war, whatever we call it — Afghanistan or Iraq — we owe our military men and women unconditional support.” There was one problem: Mr. Blumenthal, a Democrat now running for the United States Senate, never served in Vietnam. He obtained at least five military deferments from 1965 to 1970 and took repeated steps that enabled him to avoid going to war, according to records. )
Mazie Hirono, Hawaii (Former Democrat Gubernatorial candidate Mazie Hirono’s campaign committee may never pay over $98,000 in unpaid assessments for illegal campaign contributions says the Executive Director of the State Campaign Spending Commission, Barbara Wong. )
Cory Booker, D-New Jersey (from January 9, 2018) (Hypocrite! He wrote in the early 1990s – while a student at Stanford – about an incident on New Year’s Eve 1984 (when he was 15) in which he groped a female friend’s breast after the two of them had kissed. )
Kamala Harris, California (from January 9, 2018) (Harris got her start in 1994 by having an affair with slimy Willie Brown, who was serving as the California Assembly Speaker and then became the mayor of San Fransico. Brown was 60 years old and Harris was 29 when their affair began. Harris was so brazen that she came out publicly as his date at his 60th birthday party, despite his wife of 36 years being in attendance. Then there is this… The lawsuit by Prime Healthcare Services, a national healthcare company, alleges that Harris imposed onerous requirements on its efforts to purchase another healthcare company. Prime claimed that Harris did this to benefit the Service Employees International Union, which was seeking to organize its workers. SEIU had donated to Harris’s 2010 and 2014 campaigns for attorney general as well as her 2016 Senate. )
When any of those Democrats get nominated for a Supreme Court Justice seat feel free to write a sternly worded return receipt certified letter to Senator Chuck “older than dirt” Grassly to express how much they need to have their past looked into by the FBI.

Care to speak to hypocracy of the GOP leadership?
Leaving a seat open for a year not because of the qualifications of the nominee but because of who the President was that nominated him.
Must rush through the Kavanaugh confirmation quickly.
Actually the Republicans were more than happy to leave that Scalia seat open more than a year.
There were 369 days that passed from the day President Barack Hussein Obama submitted Judge Merrick Garland’s name as his SCJ nominee until President Donald J. Trump submitted Judge Neil Gorsuch’s name as his SCJ nominee.
A total of 383 days passed from the time the first SCJ nominee for Scalia’s, tragically, open seat until Judge Neil Gorsuch was confirmed in the full Senate.
Yet the Trumplicans (formerly known as Republicans) seem to be in most high dudgeon over the mere 57 days that passed from the day President Donald J Trump submitted Bret “I like beer” Kavanaugh’s name, as his SCJ nominee to fill Justice Kennedy’s open seat, and the time Bret “I like beer” Kavanaugh was confirmed by the Senate Judiciary committee.
For the Trumplicans leaving the Scalia seat open 383 days = super cool, no problem.
For the Trumplicans leaving the Kennedy seat open 57 + days = the worst thing ever in the history of this nation!
Let us talk about real political hypocrisy.

"wonderingrover:Well, if he truly wanted to make America great again, he could outlaw the Democratic party. Think of what great progress we could make then!
Single party rule. What could possibly go wrong?
China is doing pretty well. They’re kicking our asses, so obviously they’re doing something right.
Are you a communist? Would you like to live there?

Are you a communist? Would you like to live there?
I just think America would be better off without any liberals.

Are you a communist? Would you like to live there?
I just think America would be better off without any liberals.
Why would you think that? Isn’t it better to have opposing views to consider, if only to convince you of your own position?
I don’t think Conservatives are always right, just like I don’t think Liberals are always right. The best approach is usually somewhere in between.

Are you a communist? Would you like to live there?
I just think America would be better off without any liberals.
In what way would America be better off without me?

Are you a communist? Would you like to live there?
I just think America would be better off without any liberals.
In what way would America be better off without me?
Less Starbucks.

Where is the justice? We have scandalous senators interviewing a candidate for SCOTUS!
Dianne Feinstein, D-California, Ranking Member ( Hypocrite! She h ad a Chinese spy staffer on the payroll for many years and didn’t have a clue. How can she be trusted to hold anything private? Really? She also proposed a ban on handguns from San Francisco in 1983. She is not a proponent for our constitutional rights as Americans.)Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont (Hypocrite! Not good for this committee due to past. Mr. Leahy’s penchant for leaking classified national security information to try to sabotage American foreign policy decisions with which he disagrees has truly made him dangerous to U.S. national security. Mr. Leahy, after all, is the same man who leaked like a sieve during his previous tenure on the Senate Intelligence Committee. The San Diego Tribune, for example, reported that in a 1985 television interview, Mr. Leahy, then vice chairman of the committee, disclosed a top-secret communications intercept of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s telephone conversations. )
Dick Durbin, Illinois (Hypocrite! Not good for this committee due to past. In 2005, he compared U.S. troops to Nazis, remarks that he was forced to apologize for on the Senate floor (via WaPo ): n a press release, Oberweis said Durbin was asked unequivocally whether he or his U.S. Senate staff had ANY contact with the IRS during the IRS scandal other than the well-publicized letter he wrote asking the IRS to target Crossroads GPS on Oct. 10, 2010. )
Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut (Hypocrite and lying poser! “We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,” Mr. Blumenthal said to the group gathered in Norwalk in March 2008. “And you exemplify it. Whatever we think about the war, whatever we call it — Afghanistan or Iraq — we owe our military men and women unconditional support.” There was one problem: Mr. Blumenthal, a Democrat now running for the United States Senate, never served in Vietnam. He obtained at least five military deferments from 1965 to 1970 and took repeated steps that enabled him to avoid going to war, according to records. )
Mazie Hirono, Hawaii (Former Democrat Gubernatorial candidate Mazie Hirono’s campaign committee may never pay over $98,000 in unpaid assessments for illegal campaign contributions says the Executive Director of the State Campaign Spending Commission, Barbara Wong. )
Cory Booker, D-New Jersey (from January 9, 2018) (Hypocrite! He wrote in the early 1990s – while a student at Stanford – about an incident on New Year’s Eve 1984 (when he was 15) in which he groped a female friend’s breast after the two of them had kissed. )
Kamala Harris, California (from January 9, 2018) (Harris got her start in 1994 by having an affair with slimy Willie Brown, who was serving as the California Assembly Speaker and then became the mayor of San Fransico. Brown was 60 years old and Harris was 29 when their affair began. Harris was so brazen that she came out publicly as his date at his 60th birthday party, despite his wife of 36 years being in attendance. Then there is this… The lawsuit by Prime Healthcare Services, a national healthcare company, alleges that Harris imposed onerous requirements on its efforts to purchase another healthcare company. Prime claimed that Harris did this to benefit the Service Employees International Union, which was seeking to organize its workers. SEIU had donated to Harris’s 2010 and 2014 campaigns for attorney general as well as her 2016 Senate. )
Speaking of “hypocrisy”, what about the adulterating, sexually assaulting, woman groping, philandering, scandalous President who sent Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Senate?
You might want to check your privilege at the door to your own glass house before you go in and start throwing stones.

Are you a communist? Would you like to live there?
I just think America would be better off without any liberals.
In what way would America be better off without me?
Less Starbucks.
OK, that’s a good point.

Are you a communist? Would you like to live there?
I just think America would be better off without any liberals.
In what way would America be better off without me?
Less Starbucks.
I don’t do Starbucks. I don’t do coffee out unless I am at a sit down restaurant, and then it will be whatever house blend is on hand, with a shot of whatever alcohol I might have a whimsy for that day, or night.
At home it is either pods for our Keurig pot, Wally World Breakfast Blend for me, or if I have been a really good boy, I get one of my dear sweet wife’s top shelf Gevalia blends.
Unfortunately I am not very often a good boy.
So getting rid of me would not decrease the number of Starbucks.
Try again?
I have never in my life ever thought America would be a better place with less or no Conservatives.
I don’t understand people who would want to do away with others simply because those others have differing political beliefs.

Try again?
Apparently you’re one of the good ones. You can stay. The rest of those dirty libs has to go, otherwise America won’t be great.

Try again?
Apparently you’re one of the good ones. You can stay. The rest of those dirty libs has to go, otherwise America won’t be great.
I used to be a good Republican and Conservative until the Trumplican Party showed me to the Trump “Big Tent” opening and sent me packing.
And now you’re part of the Deep State. Funny how that works.

And now you’re part of the Deep State. Funny how that works.
Isn’t though?

Are you a communist? Would you like to live there?
I could become a communist if they’d let me live there. I just want to be on the winning team.

Are you a communist? Would you like to live there?
I could become a communist if they’d let me live there. I just want to be on the winning team.
You go comrade!