Democrats Lie, Americans die, but hey at least Joe's ahead

For the same reason moon landing hoax videos are always narrated by guys with British accents.

Because Americans think if the guy has a British accent, he’s pretty freaking smart?

Haha, yes. I mean I grew up in a pretty stuffy environment but I’ll never get used to bow ties. So many questions, don’t even know where to start.

He doesn’t even wear the bow tie anymore, the little nerd. Now he has a sun tan and and open collar dress shirt. Even got rid of the 80s blow dry razor cut for something stylish this century.

Still has the same mouth breathing expression whenever he’s confused, however.

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Don’t you run down Harvey!


So you must watch a lot of those networks to make that claim. Got any links to prove your point?

Law enforcement doing their job is not tyranny.

So you admit what’s going on is carnage. Good start. Why aren’t the local authorities ending it?

Personally, I think it’s gross to assume that Democrats want this virus to defeat Trump. Some of us have lost loved ones to it, we have had loved ones permanently damaged from this wretched virus and we have loved ones in the hospital currently.


This virus is having trouble putting its PLAGUE pants on.

Youth is mocking it…Protests are parties.


Yes, tragically many thousands have died from Corona. That doesn’t change the fact that we are being lied to about it for political reasons.

Except that every action telegraphs the intent.

I can wait until Nov 4th…It will be OK.


What party is in charge of the federal government?

You might want to ask yourself why it’s easier to listen to alien dna lady versus the multiple scientific reports on the drug.

It’s truly insane to watch.


Haha. Yes Democrats want their loved ones dead to stick it to Trump. That makes as much sense as believing in sex demons causing diseases.


Why would you suggest that?

They want everything shut down and SAFE at all cost…liberty…economy…etc.

D want no risk isolation and to BLAME any other policy for death. Keep your story straight.


Talk about keeping stories straight. The OP said the Democrats want the virus to hurt Trump. Now you are saying Democrats want everything shut down, which will lessen the virus.

Pick a hyperbolic lane and stick to it.


The virus shutting down liberty and economy is the problem. It’s mortal danger is almost nonexistent.

Trump wants to open ASAP…D govs want no part of opening up…schools are the battle now.

Problem is kids are practically immune and 80% of the populace want the schools open.


This thread is about how Democrats want people to die to make Trump look bad and the sound medical advice of a person just this week was saying Facebook was going to be shut down by Jesus if she didn’t get her posts back.


You might want to ask why people who are killed in car crashes that just happen to have Corona virus are listed as Corona virus deaths.

True story: two weeks ago my wife’s cousin was notified she had been exposed to the virus. She drove an hour to the testing place, registered and then waited more than two hours in line for testing. She got tired of waiting so she left without being tested. 3 days later she got a letter saying she tested positive. We’re being lied to… And if you think it’s not for political reasons you’re deluded.

So far, people in this thread have responded to the claims about Hydroxychloroquine only. I also mentioned the doctor that said it’s safe to send our kids back to school. I also mentioned that the doctors in this video are not the only ones with these viewpoints. There are MANY doctors saying these same things, yet only these doctors have been censored by the American left who control the media. They are dealt with the exact same way other dictatorships deal with those they deem subversive. They are censored, silenced, discredited, and if that doesn’t work, they will be jailed.

I realize the leftist mind has been conditioned to automatically reject anything that is critical of their benevolent big brother. The thought police have been very effective… Now repeat after me:. I LOVE BIG BROTHER… I LOVE BIG BROTHER…I LOVE BIG BROTHER…

Now, don’t you feel better?

COVID is the fifth leading cause of death in the US this year. It just passed stroke to land in the top 5. In another month or so it will pass lung disease and injury to become the third leading cause of death in the US. Suggesting “it’s mortal danger is almost nonexistent” is not only absurd, but dangerously misinformed.