Democrats gush over George Bush drawing parallels between 1/6 and 9/11


Also, I love WWII counter factuals. It’s a weakness.:upside_down_face:

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As I said…Gore was in support of removing Saddam but not the way Bush did it.

Same why Clinton and Gore admin was manipulated?

Once again… predicated on intelligence that was highlighted and pushed by very specific people who would have not been there if Gore was President.

IMO… without Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz it is doubtful that there is a post 9/11 invasion of Iraq.

World War I counterfactuals are really interesting to speculate about.

Mainly because the war wasn’t decided until the summer of 1918. It could have went either way until Michael failed.

I like Dan Carlin’s take on it. World War I’s Western Front was like two heavy weight boxers going at it. Sometimes one boxer would get on a roll, doing pretty good for awhile and even starring to the think the other guy was on his last reserves. Then suddenly the down and out guy would come back with a haymaker that would totally change the fight for a few rounds.

Hell, I’d argue the Germans were winning the war from 1916-early 1918. Unlike World War II where they did well at the beginning but by 1943 were clearly defeated.

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Okay, so Conan is unable, or unwilling to answer a direct question. I’ll make a note of it.

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I love me some Dan Carlin. In my opinion, Supernova in the East is the best podcast series I have ever heard.

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It was fantastic. Really makes you think about why the Japanese prosecuted the war in the manner that they did.

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I still have yet to listen to that whole thing. I need like… 20 hours or something to dedicate to it.

How soon the PNACers forgot the PNAC.


The Analyst’s Cardinal Sin

That’s the one good thing about having a 25 minute commute every day.

That’s 50 minutes of free podcasting time.


Actually, no one had an appetite for shrub; he was understood to be only slightly less dim than St Ronnie, but a bit nicer, if you ignored the gleeful execution sprees.

I was working for Elizabeth Dole when all the money and staff was piling up on her, and it was just assumed in the GOP that the nom was hers to take.

Then, internal polling made it ineluctably clear that she was doa here in NH and Forbes, Bush and McCain made furious pushes to win the first real test.

McCain, by killing Dole off as the alternative to the Bushes, as aggressively as he did, paved the way for Bush, because John McCain did not have the chops or will to take the race to the end. He never had it.

So, blame McCain.

I have a 40 minute bike ride each way… but there is so much stuff to listen to… I just have to buckle down and listen to it.


I have easy, 90 min each way equals lots of podcasting time.

It’s so pathetic and ridiculous. Here’s the thing: Most liberals and lefties were clearly right about the Iraq war, while most of the Right was adamantly and fanatically wrong about it. (I got called all the same ■■■■ when I first came here right at the time and said so.) This violates their childish core belief that liberals/lefties have to always be wrong about everything all the time—or, at the very least no better than conservatives/Republicans.

Donald Trump—who lied about being against the war and lied about how the White House sent a delegation to him asking him for advice on Iraq—made them realize: Hey, let’s retroactively blame all this on liberals! All that matters is that we believe it hard enough!

For those who can’t manage that kind of cognitive ■■■■■■■■ the other cowardly out is: Let’s concoct fictional scenarios in which Al Gore is President and also invades Iraq for [insert various reasons, including the suggestion on this thread that the media would have manipulated Gore and liberals into invading Iraq because of their treatment of gays and women].

It’s all just stupidity and nonsense to avoid the fact that the Right wanted this ■■■■■■■ war, and the Right can never fail! It can only be failed.


Yeah, it’s a long one.

Blame McCain for not winning, rather than Rove for orchestrating the win? That doesn’t seem correct.

I respectfully disagree with your analysis, but remain open to further discussion.:slightly_smiling_face:

It’s the only thing you need to know about ‘conservatives’, and all their behavior, beliefs, bad faith argumentation and reduction to caricature is explained: unaccountable moral midgets.


I miss riding my bike to work. That is some hard core personal quality time right there.