Democrats gush over George Bush drawing parallels between 1/6 and 9/11

Well, sure. You can only re-jigger a counterfactual so much before it becomes totally pointless instead of just pointless.:grinning:

Having said that, coming out of the Clinton administration, I do suspect that Gore would have paid more attention.

Case reopened: Gore was relying on the same intelligence used to trick the rest of the country.

In addition, in your quote above, Gore is referring to Desert Storm. Apples to oranges.

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Interesting. Based on?

There is a huge difference between 1991 and 2001… you know that right?

No ■■■■■ Read what Gore said.

Gore was a classic liberal interventionist/neo-con.

I think that they probably would have.

Funny how libs are so desperate to rewrite history.

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Just to be clear: you are saying that following 9/11, the Gore administration would also have manipulated intelligence, lie to the country, and invade Iraq. Is this correct?

Gore was always hawkish on Iraq, in Bosnia and Kosovo.

So you tell me.

Why are you scared to clearly state your thesis?

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But would have there been a feedback loop like Iraq? I don’t think so. Attacking a second country that had nothing to with 9/11 not only did great harm to any international coalition we had, but also… it was attacking a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 and under false pretenses.

That imo doesn’t justify some retrofitted idea of fighting terrorists in Iraq that didn’t exist there before the US knocked over the place.

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One could make a case that if it hadn’t been for Bush, neither 9/11 or 1/6 happen at all.


I don’t know man… I don’t see how it is rewriting.

The US went into Iraq based on intelligence that was filtered by some very specific people who would not have been there if Gore was President.

I don’t think that it is beyond the pale to suggest that without those people, we never would have invaded Iraq.

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Then you’re ignoring Gore own words.


Why are you scared to admit Gore had a hawkish foreign policy?

Well… I don’t think that the 1991 invasion of Iraq is comparable to the post 9/11 invasion.

The speech that Gore gave was full of great caution about invading Iraq… was really against declaring the power of preemtive security rights as a casus belli and and was an opinion predicated on taking the bad intelligence that was filtered by Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz at face value

I honestly think that if those three people are no where near government post 9/11 the chances of the US invading Iraq go way way down.


Being a hawk, and manipulating a country into war are two separate things. I ask again:

Well it really kind of is, given that we are playing with a counter factual

Yeah… I usually don’t like counter factuals.

Still… I don’t see that without Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz if anyone would have taken Chalabi’s “curveball” as seriously as they did.