Democrats Creating Artificial Shortages that will Lead to Recession

California unemployment maximum benefit is $450 a week.

One last round of Biden Checks this month.


Uh-huh… Soooooo… how are they making a living?

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Funny, I can’t get hardly anyone to even apply. I’ve been turning down work. There’s millions of jobs available. Are all those people with NO INCOME due to unemployment cut off just starving?

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Where you used to have both spouses working you now only have one. They are getting by on less for better quality of life.

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How do you know they’re not? Who says they aren’t just working for someone else or even changed jobs? A lot of people also chose to retire early. In case you missed it.

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To me that is a good thing. But there is almost a 40% labor non-participation rate. It’s not all because of that.

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Uh-huh…Hey, don’t worry, just ignore the ships just sitting there…

Oh, & after a while it won’t matter, there will be a recession bad enough nobody will need the deliveries, they won’t be able to pay for them…

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Excellent rebuttal. You’ve certainly convinced me.

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I replied in kind.

The unemployment rate as of August is 5.2%. That is close to getting into full employment territory. Anything 5% and below is the normal churn of the job market.

I am sure that you can find someone who would rather collect unemployment than go to work… but that doesn’t seem to be the case with the majority of people. There was a labor shortage going into the pandemic and the pandemic only made it worse.

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Think about that for a minute.

What is the value of a truck driver right now?

In order to understand the problem, you’re going to have to change some assumptions about how things (and people) are assigned value.

There’s a theory in economics out there called the Theory of Constraints.

You might want to study up on it,

(Actually I first learned about the Theory of Constraints while reading the pseudo-philosophical Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance when it was assigned in our English class in college. It was there I learned that given the right situation, the value of a simple screw could equal the selling price of a motorcycle!)

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The market is demanding a higher price for labor. When the pendulum swung the other way it wasn’t a big deal, now all of sudden it’s going to singlehandedly crash the economy.

Can’t have price controls on things like rent, but we should totally have one on labor, right? Makes sense.


It is simply an amazing coincidence, isn’t it?

The minute people start understanding they have more value than simply being economic cogs that suddenly there’s a Marxist/Communist plot afoot?

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Wages have been stagnant for years. I’m not sure why this is at all surprising.

Wages have gone up, still the same problems.

There is no price controls on rent here, or labor.

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I know that this is an opinion piece… but I remember from a few years ago reading about the labor problems of long haul trucking and how drivers were getting screwed.

The poor labor market for trucking isn’t a new thing.


What is the market value of all the goods on the ships stuck out at sea?

What is the constraint that is causing that backup of ships and preventing the delivery of those goods?

Still want to pretend that wages have gone up to a degree commensurate with the value of those goods stuck at sea?


Pre-pandemic restaurants and service sector was lousy work.

Pan-pandemic it is clear they are UNESSENTIAL!!

Good luck filling those openings.

Dude, they haven’t even gone up enough to be on pace with inflation. Who are you trying to kid?

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