Democrats Creating Artificial Shortages that will Lead to Recession

Save me the pearl clutching! You cried for over a year about Trump killing people.

The pandemic has nothing to do with what’s going on right now, 2020 is over. Covid is bad because you are shipping unvaccinated illegals all over the country. I don’t call self inflicted wounds a pandemic


If you had looked at the article from 2016 you would see that the labor pool that makes up truck drivers skews older. This has been a looming problem.

There was a labor shortage then… the pandemic made it worse.

Kudos for blaming immigration.

If you don’t work in manufacturing then you have no clue what you are talking about! It’s obvious you have no clue! Time, materials, labor, shipping are all tied into business. And it’s been significantly worst this year than last year in all four phases. More people died from Covid in 2021 than in 2020, and illegal immigration is the highest it’s been in over 40 years Connect the dots.


There is a lot going on here… so let us try to focus.

I say that it is a labor shortage that already existed and has been made worse. I have backed that argument with a recent article and one from 2016. I could provide more if needed.

What do you think it is and please bring the material that backs up your argument.

You have economist who don’t work in manufacturing writing articles about manufacturing!

Let’s go Brandon is America’s rallying cry right now, no article written by elitist economists will save you from what’s coming in 2022. And that’s the reality of what’s going on! We are experiencing run away inflation and Biden says it’s cuz the economy is good! Lol! Let’s go Brandon!


Nobody is clutching pearls. I most certainly did.

Doesn’t change the fact that your not so tacit admission destroyed the op. It’s not the dems purposefully creating shortages it’s because offense is easier

So nothing.

Got ya

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No, but the problems are.


Yeah I distinctly remember a friend mentioning his firm was looking for workers when Trump was in office.

One of my referrals would have been a conflict of interest.

Has even one poster yet backed up his assertion that Democrats were the problem with a link?

Nope… my industry… TV and Movie production… has had a labor shortage in the Northeast for years. There is so much content getting produced that there isn’t enough labor to do it all and that has gotten us into situations where we are either short staffed or we have people who it is literally their first day doing this kind of work.


It’s not always easy to retain workers on the graveyard shift. We could have a total Independent in the White House, & it wouldn’t stop a younger worker in particular from taking a lunch & never returning.

I totally don’t care if those who lost a job & realized, in those married households with one income, decide to keep it at one.

Maybe they realized they’re not stuck paying transportation expenses for that second job, meal expenses, child care or additionals like work wardrobe.

If they’re ineligible for UI or any public assistance, more power to ‘em! In the long term, it may not be such a hot strategy (less number of working years when applying for Social Security, for instance), but that’s another story.

Please back up your assertion with a link showing anyone at all being discouraged from returning to work.

Preferring the pay enhancement of UI once job is offered back is not a reason to collect:

Here are reasons some states MAY allow an employee who voluntarily quit to collect UI:

As pointed out in the link, some states ended the addition to UI early, citing labor shortages.

Please provide proof of policies that discourage one from working, and that Democrats enacted them.

Ohh there is something, I don’t listen to economists who wrote articles about manufacturing who don’t work in manufacturing, I experience the front lines when they write out of touch garbage from ivory towers. You have to be completely brain dead to think inflation and supply chain shortages is linked to a great economy. Lumber is at a 300 percent markup since Joe took office. These people like Krugman and his elk don’t even live in reality. With each quote I give, I have to show and justify my price increases by showing my Customers the increases I have received from the OEM. You are clueless to what is going on. People are sick and tired of so called experts like you telling people how things are when they don’t even work in that industry. People like Mayor Pete and Biden are clueless if you believe them you are clueless too! Midterms are a coming.

Let’s go Brandon!

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Mandatory vaccine mandates!


Lumber was going up in the summer of 2020. There are supply chain issues and labor shortages at shipping chokepoints.

Here is an article from 2017 that is about the exploitation of the port truckers who move the material from the docks to the various nearby warehouses. These aren’t long haul truckers but all local.

The tl;dr version is that the trucking companies pushed lease to own contracts on low wage immigrant drivers and set up a system where the cost of working was greater than what they were being paid. By having these drivers sign one sided contracts that put all of the financial risk on the driver under the guise of being an independent contractor, they squeezed even more profit out of a stone. When the burn rate of those drivers was around 40%… it doesn’t take long before no one will sign up for that kind of work.

But continue on not providing actual information to back up claims.

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Do you work in manufacturing it’s a simple yes or no answer! Do you have to do risk analysis for your company each week because vendor pricing keeps fluctuating?

I work in Television and Movie production.

All of your complaints could be resolved if there was just some bit of information to support the argument instead of simply being a stranger on the internet saying “You are wrong!!! I am not going to say why… but you are!!!”

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Exactly you have no clue to what’s going on, you just listen to Elitist economists and gobble whatever they say up, and this is why you are losing the flyover states and manufacturing is rapidly leaving liberal states, you just don’t get it, but if I argue with a fool it only proves there is two of us, have a nice day. I’m not going to begin to tell you about the movie industry cuz I know nothing about it!