Democratic Unity Pledge

Remember the Trump rally “loyalty oath?” Seems like Republicans should be well versed in this type of thing.

couldnt resist comparing trump to nazi Germany

how novel

Uh. Sure. Maybe you can give a quote of me doing that?

How dare you post a picture from a trump rally. It offends trump supporters.

This Trump supporter wouldn’t be angry.

linking an article doing so?

world a difference i guess

oh so we’re freeze framing again to look like seig heils


You read the article? Trump denied claims his rallies are similar to Nazi Germany. Article then quoted the people he was referencing.

Top notch work you’re doing.

No freeze frame needed. Here’s some video!

why didnt you post this in the first place?

Good point. It changes everything.

how so?

Don’t see it happening. Dems have already formed a circular firing squad, and will keep firing right up until the convention, maybe longer.

They are already trying to throw one presidential candidate under the bus for something I actually applauded…it involved not disciplining some police officers because the evidence gathered against them was gotten through illegal wiretapping.

This is getting better and better…why stop now?

If people are remembering past presidential primaries as some sort of Kumbaya, I believe they are mistaken. I think maybe we’ve grown so accustomed to Trump’s rhetoric, it is easier to spot when others do something similar. Or just more surprised to see someone else doing it since it’s now associated with a particular person.

It was stupid then too

I agree. Swearing allegiance/oaths to a political party or person is dumb.

I don’t recite the pledge of allegiance.

I don’t have an issue with that. It’s a personal choice. I haven’t said it since I was a kid. I can’t remember a time as an adult where I’ve been in a situation where it has been recited. Unsure what I would so. I guess it depends on the context.

No, I’m watching a circular firing squad forming in the DNC…and as it is highly entertaining, I can only hope you guys continue it right up to the convention, and beyond.

I mean we have junior congressman firing at the former President of the US, CNN attacking the former Vice President, and politicians being asked to resign over actions that happened 3 decades ago. Not to mention the BLM movement now attacking the protections of the US constitution because they are roadblocks to their vision of America.

This kind of entertainment we used to have to pay for…now I’m getting it for free courtesy of the DNC.

I sure hope it doesn’t have to go as long as Russian collusion but…Trump will probably get reelected and if so…once again…I’ll have to listen to libs tell the rest of us just how baaaaa, baaaaa, baaaaad orange man is. Now if you’d stop the lib flip-side of this same broken record, I’ll stop playing this number #1 hit. :sunglasses: