Democratic impeachment cover up

Steve Hilton , a Fox News commentator who over the weekend had connected some Burisma corruption dots, had this to say about Connecticut U.S. Senator Dick Blumenthal’s association with the tangled knot of corruption in Ukraine: “We cross-referenced the Senate co-sponsors of Ed Markey’s Ukraine gas bill with the list of Democrats whom Burisma lobbyist, David Leiter, routinely gave money to and found another one – one of the most sanctimonious of them all, actually – Sen. Richard Blumenthal."


Welcome to the group , @Floorguy .
U will enjoy this forum…alot of very intelligent n quite spirited debaters here.


I think Trump should have all of the Democrats in Congress investigated. It’s my opinion that the entire party is corrupt. If Trump had HIS PEOPLE in Congress, instead of all of the RINOS and DEMOCRATS, then I believe that He would really be able to Make America Great Again.

Remember to vote in November and in your state’s primary. What Trump, and America, needs is for the Republicans to have super majorities in Congress.

Welcome to the board!


Those are some explosive, thermonuclear, O’Keefian level bombshells.

Again - what’s stopping Donald from pursuing these investigations with all the power of the Executive branch?


All he did so far was ask to look at the most obvious and public COI and he got an impeachment circus.

We should just stick with Biden and Burisma for now.

I think they will get a thorough look after the Senate is done.


I am certain Donald already has a crack team of investigators looking into these shocking crimes, and will present the evidence to the American public soon. No need to wait on Congress to take action.


This thread is comedy gold. Gold!

That has been debunked.
(Actually it hasn’t but that seems to be the Democratic response when something corrupt is found in relation to Democrats…the media buys it).


That would be consistent with the basis that the Democrats in Congress are using to investigate Trump’s finances and taxes. Just investigate everything and maybe you’ll find something you can use…politically if not legally.


Partisan irony alert!


If the Democrats repeat it enough times it becomes truth. Maybe Donald can let them borrow the phrase (for a nominal fee).


It’s sad really although I got bored after season 2 episode 3 of the Mullet investigation, I mean Mueller I will kinda miss season 3 (The Schiff Show) sad it will go to the senate soon were it will not be renewed for a season 4.


Well you see the mistakes that happened by rushing impeachment.

Justice is deliberate and true.

Even Christopher Heinz smelled a rat.

From link on post 4 … Hours after Biden’s board appointment went public on May 13, 2014, Heinz emailed Matt Summers and David Wade, two of his stepfather’s top aides at the State Department.

“Apparently Devon and Hunter both joined the board of Burisma and a press release went out today,” wrote Heinz. “I cant speak why they decided to, but there was no investment by our firm in their company.”

No rush.

I think more media interest will be enlightening as well.

(As an aside…Theresa Heinz was the wife of a remarkable politician and person in John Heintz, her decision to marry John Kerry still has many scratching their heads in Pickle land.


That has been photoshopped!
I mean, it doesn’t even look particularly bug eyed.

By his own declaration Donald is a genius, and a stable one at that. He will undoubtedly continue to send his teams out to gather all the evidence, then when the Senate rightfully dismisses the falacious charges against him he will bring the Democrats to justice.

These are the hopeful moments before justice is at long last served. Faith in Donald and therefore faith in America.


I think Schiff is going to have some legal issues WRT phone records soon also.


The entire conspiracy against Donald will be revealed in time. I’m certain he’s mocking a teenager on Twitter right now to distract those with TDS while his teams work ceaselessly to gather all the necessary evidence.


He did.

It was so crack that 1,000 Ukrainian troops were mobilized and George Soros was spotted at the Kyiv airport along with 100 black Mercedes to shadow them. We have proof of this with a grainy jumpy video of a car pulling up to the airport and then people boarding a plane. It’s earth-shattering stuff!

You’ll be finding out all about it on OANN very soon…

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Our POTUS defies the eleventeenth dimension.

2020, our Year of Jubilee when Donald brings the entire DEMOCRAT apparatus to its knees and forever eradocates their threat to America.