Democratic debate tonight

As I was saying in my previous post there is no excitement for the front runner, less than with Hillary last time. The only big excitement is with the Bernie faction of the party. Every debate goes down in ratings. It is a replay of 2016, they are running on “Trump Bad, Must Be Stopped”.

It’s almost, and I hate to use this overly used word but ‘surreal’ that they’re only 19 days left to the first vote being cast with such little excitement in the democratic candidates and the debates. I remember watching the 2008 primaries and the excitement behind both Obama and Hillary and I knew there was no way the republicans were going to win that election. Compare that to this cycle.

I know, right? A modern healthcare system with better outcomes, universal coverage and lower costs is terrifying!

Stopping Trump is in and of itself exciting. I’m door knocking, phone banking and donating to beating him. And I don’t care particularly much about being excited about a candidate, I care about ideas. And I’m infinitely more excited about the policy ideas of any D candidate compared to the alternative.

This will be a turn out election for sure. But this time it will be all about Trump. It will be the people who worship Trump vs those who loathe Trump, which of those two bases turn out more wins.


You live in la-la land. Can you name something for me that’s free market based, that the government improved?

Stopping Trump was exactly what Hillary ran on. One has to convince people in about six states none of which I live in that the same failed strategy will work again. That’s why I am calling this a replay of 2016 and Biden is defiantly the Hillary 2.0 of politicians.

Except a lot of normal Democratic voters either stayed home or even voted for Trump because they couldn’t stand Hillary, No one hates Biden like that.

i just did—a modern healthcare system like several other countries that have empirically better aggregate outcomes.

What modern US government run healthcare system? The VA? Is this your example? It’s mine. That’s the perfect example of what would happen if our government took over our healthcare system.

Do you think Trump has a net gain or a net loss now that he has a track record? I’m guessing a net loss, and it only has to be a swing of 35,000 votes across 3 battleground states that Hillary neglected. I guarantee you the D nominee won’t neglect those states.

I was referring to Netherlands, UK, Australia, etc.

But even with the VA, I don’t think this particular example is going to work in your favor.

A 2018 Rand Corp study finds the “VA health care system performs similar to or better than non-VA systems on most measures of inpatient and outpatient care quality” [1]

A 2018 Dartmouth study finds that “Veterans Health Administration hospitals outperform non–Veterans Health Administration hospitals in most health care markets.” [2]

A Jan 2019 study finds that “VA wait times have improved between FY2014 and FY2017 and that VA facilities have shorter wait times than the [private sector] across a range of specialties.” [3]

  1. VA Health System Generally Delivers Higher-Quality Care Than Other Health Providers | RAND
  2. Veterans Health Administration Hospitals Outperform Non–VHA Hospitals in Most Healthcare Markets :: The Dartmouth Institute

Clinton was only about 60,000 off from Obama’s 2012 results. True she was off by about 3.6 million from Obama’s 2008 results.

Clinton beat Trump in the popular vote by 3 million votes and Trump won the EC by about 77,000 (0.06% of votes cast).

I’m hoping the DEMs pick a moderate candidate to give my wing of the GOP (those that think Trump was mistake) a realistic alternative for the Oval Office.

It’s clear that he expects government to act for him.

Joe’s time has finally come. The rest of the Democrat hopefuls make him look good. :wink:


The Bernie bros hate everyone but Biden, one shouldn’t underestimate them. Again we are talking a handful of states deciding the race. Actually Bernie might be able to take Trump down in the rust-belt.

I think Trump wins Wisconsin, loses Michigan not sure about Pennsylvania. I am talking about if Biden is the nominee all math goes out the window if Bernie wins, if you remember Bernie was able to take Michigan from Clinton.

Third world Snake oil salesman from what I see!

Don’t forget to say it -


You shouldn’t talk about Donald “The Chosen One” Trump in such a fashion.