Democratic debate tonight

Patently you have no idea how legislation is passed in Australia.

So I saw a theory yesterday that Pelosi is holding back the articles to help Biden against Sanders and Warren.

I hate to be one one to break it to you… but contemporaneously …

I have an idea that you’re a complete chicken to answer what I suggested to you?

This is a funny post.

Here in Hannity Land, I’ve listened to conservatives complain about the deficit, now they defend a man who has run up a 1T deficit…heard about family values, now conservatives support a porn star ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■ grabbing ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ about getting out of the ME, now supporting sending more troops to SA.

The list goes on and on…

in the meanwhile, Shecky Trump ranted about lightbulbs, dishwashers, showers and toilets. His fans loved it.

Which candidate are you a fan of? :sunglasses:

Acceptance of Joe biden is the last stage of Democrat grief.


If only you had any idea what the yellow vesters are about

The Warren Sanders confrontation said it all. The Democrat party is a complete mess.
Sanders, believe all woman. Bernie and his bros, Warren is lying.

Oh noes there is disagreement between candidates. Disarray!!!

A disagreement! lol lol lol A he said she said for certain.

Next thing you know you are going to have a congressional democrat leader call out the leading candidate as not being a happy choice.



Did cnn really try to take out bernie again??

Did the other fools get the questions ahead of time??

If the Democrats had a King, like Trump*, to tell them to get in line or feel the scorn of a lifetime.

I was watching the Trump rally myself. :+1::grin:

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I like how when talking about possible wars in the middle east not one of moderator mentioned how they would fund it.

but the second they mention healthcare or college its WHERE IS THE MONEY.

I think Biden is just playing one to get through the primaries trying to play all sides, he already has the black vote so he is playing to the white knights. He is a lifelong politician who would probably move towards the middle in the general election right after the primaries are over. We are literally seeing a replay of the 2016 democratic primaries except with the addition of two far leftists Sanders and Warren. The only way Sanders wins is if Warren drops out.

As a whole though the party has moved much more to the left. I don’t want any of them to win but if I had to pick I would take the kid sniffer.

If Buttigieg starts becoming appealing to the black vote and that’s a huge if then this race is over.

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