Democratic debate south carolina

did anyone else catch bloombergs slip when talking about the 41 dems elected in 2018?

"I bough… er paid… er them

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her brothers must have been wind talkers

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I agree with the first sentence.

ok, that was funny

Bernie wants to get rid of private insurance that supplements Medicare. He wants no private insurance at all, which would hurt those who use private insurance to help meet those costs.

Because it’s useless if medicare is expanded to cover the items supplemental insurance covers*

Steyer not getting any time at all. Don’t like him, but he’s not getting any time really.

If they don’t offer solutions, they are simply pandering. They will offer nothing.

Biden likes to yell.

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Dunno bro. Medicare for all and education would help a lot of minorities; along with drug decriminalization.

there are 14 cases in the US. do we need to be vigilant? yes. seems to me we are being

I guess the’re leaving that for Trump to do in the general since they don’t have the spine. I am sure the man who at one debate put Bill Clinton’s rape accusers in the front row facing Hillary will have zero problem going into areas the others are not with Sanders. He’s as likely to have at the debates what’s left of socialist/communist dictators around the world wearing “I :heart: Sanders” shirts.

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joe was so tough on china he sent his son to take 1.5 billion from them


Joe is China’s only hope, every other candidate on both sides has it out for them.

Just noticed 10k upvotes to 15k downvotes on the debates livestream sheesh

He invented yelling. He is the only one who knows how to yell. He has decades of yelling, and he will yell at you about it.

Biden at least trying. Too bad he just can’t speak very clearly.

Who won I missed the last half

opening up to Cuba will get them freedom, we tried that with China and their repression got worse.

I think the concern is, after the first reports in countries the bloom progresses very quickly.

We’ll see…did you see Sen. Kennedy questioning the head of the DHS? wasn’t very inspiring.

mayor pete is rude and tries to talk over everyone… must be practicing his deplatforming

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