Democrat VP Lotto!

So who will Harris Pick?

  • Whitmer (MI and Women)
  • Buttigeig (Midwest and Woke)
  • Fetterman (Penn)
  • Fat Stacey (GA, women and AA)
  • Newsome (No apparent reason)
0 voters

who will it be?

None of them probably.

Please not Pete.

It doesn’t matter.

But no breakfast tacos??

I wish there were other option in your poll.

I’ll vote later. like to see what people think first.

She can’t win without PA and right now that’s a loser.
VA will likely be okay for dems now that Biden is gone
MI I’m not sure, but she can’t win without that either

The must win state that needs the most attention is PA

Fetterman. She needs a John with street cred.


Whitmer is MI , not WI

Shapiro ( PA)

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oops… same thing

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More crime, less cheese and better football team (for now)

I picked Harris because of the rhyme. :rofl:

I’m thinking of t-shirts and bumper stickers!

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Which makes me wonder why Josh Shapiro is not on the list

because I only had 5 choices and fetterman is more known than shapiro

Ah, I see.

It absolutely won’t be Fetterman.

shapiro may be more likely. just more unknown

I would have said Shapiro, but the pro-Hamas wing of the Democratic Party will never vote for a Jewish VP candidate.




My guess is Gov Polis from CO.

Perfect DEI credentials. And he’s gonna get term limited anyway, so it’s not going to create undue openings in existing seats.

Big John for the win!