Democrat VP Lotto!



Mark Kelly. You can’t go wrong with an astronaut on the ticket.

he doesn’t sound interested. smart man

Let’s watch and see.

there’s a story out now saying the only two people who expressed interest were Bashir in KY, who Harris did not send vetting materials to and Walz in MN. The rest of them mouthed platitudes and talked about the home state needing them.


Where would one see that story?

And btw, that’s what most potential VP choices say- maybe to save face if not selected or to not look like they’re running away from the job they were elected to.

Any one of them would grab this chance.

its on FNC. not much to it, but its there

And you can be sure she won’t have the finalists following her around and fawning over her, like Trump did with Rubio, Burgham, and Vance. That was just pathetic. Having them there at the convention, waiting to hear- such a crappy way to treat them.

she most certainly will. She’s gonna milk it for all its worth. She’d be stupid not to.


Wanna bet? She and her team will vet everyone, choose one, and then announce it- the way dignified people have always done it both parties.

How does Stacey Abrams deliver the alcoholics?

In a paddy wagon with 4 ballots a piece. :drum:


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