Democrat voters are leaving the rope-a-dope party

I wouldn’t put a lot of weight on Florida and Cubans.

The thread title. We’ve already discussed it. But you keep that angry little fist closed.

Well, we disagreed on that racial semantics argument too.

The Platinum Plan is good for the country. The Ignore The Blacks Plan currently in use for (D)ecades, not so much.

“He’ll change! I can make him change!” :rofl:


Sure seems like you feel a “pass” is necessary.

Do they?

Hear! Hear! :+1:

The dem leadership has lost track of the fact America is supposed to be the land of the free…not the Land of Free Stuff!

The working/contributing class get taxed to death to pay for this “free stuff” for the nonworking or noncontributing class.

“Why use it at all”?? I let you slide on ignoring the “racial jungle” quote because I know you had no rebuttal, but you don’t get a pass on this one.

You have a president that just a few years ago told a church full of black voters that republicans were “gonna put y’all back in chains”. (As if republicans EVER had blacks in chains…

Why use that at all??

But to get even more serious about it, why are dimocrsts promising people that are 5, 6, 7, 8, NINE EVEN, generations removed from slavery that they’re going to get “reparations”.

Why use that at all??

And finally, I want you to think about all the things a slave owner would have provided for their slaves. Then I want you to think about all of the things that dimocrats have promised black people, and EVERY ELECTION CYCLE say “the Republicans are going to take that away from you”.

Now ask yourself why the plantation comparison comes up.

It’s reparations. It was billions targeted at just black people. We did get Juneteenth however… :roll_eyes:

All republicans needed to do is slap “CRT” on it and it’s dead on arrival.

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What is the difference?

Was Powell a conservative?

And he’s off to deflect and run around in circles, all in a lame attempt to dismiss constantly being ignored and lied to by his own rulers. :rofl:


Good question. I’ll wait.

They can’t think on their own?

Is Brandon even talking about one?

Or is he still concerned about those Racial Jungles if the schools desegregate? :thinking:

Nope, they’re ignoring 'em. :wink:

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Probably the same type of stupidity that thinks every Republican is a gun toting, white supremacist militia member who hates anyone who doesn’t look like them. All sides tend to say things meant as a put down.


Not reparations.

Do they still claim to represent the working class? They seem aimed more towards amassing a critical level of ethnic and gender groups than supporting working people.

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It is so so so so funny that they were all for reparations but would never in a million years support the exact same thing if it was proposed by anyone other than Trump.

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Because the black nation is lagging. Dragging on the rest of the country. Probably a waste of money, but not reparations.

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