Deficit Soaring Faster Than Expected

Crickets crickets

And that is by design.

Norquist planned this out decades ago.

When no one wants to cut the budget, that is the problem!

There are so many danger signs from the abomination of a president. This is just one of many.

The economy is the lifeblood of our country.

It’s very telling - and sad - that a discussion of the actual health of our economy has only about 60 posts…

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What does that mean?

When one side wants to cut revenue while simultaneously increasing the budget, that’s worse of a problem.

Increasing the budget isn’t that big of a deal if it’s within a certain percentage of our GDP and revenues rise to offset the expenditures.

Everyone claims “fake news” when they read something they don’t want to believe.

Refute the claims point by point with some proof. If you can.

LOL Both are bad! Increasing Taxes is not the solution either, because even if you confiscated the entire wealth of the top 10% earners, you wouldnt even put a dent in the budget. We need to start living within our means.

There’s nothing inherently bad about increasing spending.

Like when you say something and get no or little response. Cons are mostly silent about the deficit

i did it last year. built a brand new house.

Sounds of crickets referring to silence. I usually just post a picture of a cricket.

That’s not even remotely true. Not saying we should do it, but the top 10% of earners pooled net worth more than puts a dent in the budget. The Walton family is worth 140 billion. That’s just them.

Yeah, the top 10% have like an aggregate net worth of over $56 trillion…

Actually if you confiscated the wealth of the top 10% of Americans, you’d pay off the national debt about three and a half times over.

Damn it.


As of today, Apple is worth 1 trillion dollars.

man. that’s amazing.

the people in that yellowish looking slice have enough $$$ that they could pay off our national debt THREE AND A HALF TIMES.
