Defamation Suit Against Fox by Dominion

That’s a delicious looking pretzel.

That’s a new standard to hold reporters to.

NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell said that DeSantis is trying to stop slavery from being taught in school. In fact, slavery is taught as part of the curriculum in Florida schools and DeSantis has never attempted to prohibit its being taught.
Should NBC pay DeSantis 1.6 billion?


If DeSantis wants to take it to court he can.


It’s not. You mentioned discovery. In litigation statements by witnesses for either party can only be used in court if they were made under oath. That’s all i wqs saying.

Maybe you keep track of how many times you’re wrong but I don’t. You’ve been wrong about so much for so long now…I’ve concluded…like so many…you’re oblivious to the truth of what’s actually happening around you.


Pay attention and your question is answered.

Come on man- here is Murdoch himself:

Murdoch also told Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott: “It’s been suggested our prime time three should independently or together say something like ‘the election is over and Joe Biden won,’” and that such a statement "would go a long way to stop the Trump myth that the election was stolen,” the filing says.

And perhaps you don’t remember how much Fox was blasting the idea of Dominion being hacked and used to overturn the election…heres a walk down memory lane.

A wise man once said

“You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common: they don’t alter their views to fit the facts; they alter the facts to fit their views.”

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Here’s reality; Trump got more votes than anybody in the history of our nation…but I’m supposed to believe that there are 81 million Brandonites that couldn’t discern they were pulling the lever for a mumbling, fumbling, demented old man. Naaahhhhh…I believe my fellow Americans are smarter than that. Now…does that make me a baaa, baaaa, baaaad guy? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Yes but this thread is not talking about what you believe. Its about how Fox knew the idea that the election was stolen was fraudulent and still pushed the idea that it was stolen. Again- from Murdoch:

“It’s been suggested our prime time three should independently or together say something like ‘the election is over and Joe Biden won,’” and that such a statement "would go a long way to stop the Trump myth that the election was stolen.”

What about it? What he said is probably true but that doesn’t mean that the election wasn’t stolen, it simply confirms what I’ve been telling you about people and sheople. Feed them the narrative you want fed and many will then regurgibleat this as their own thought.

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Simply not true.

Ok, ok, ok…but that I’m supposed to believe that there’s 80,999,999,999 more. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

No, Biden got more votes than anybody in the history of our nation. Trump didn’t even get as many votes as his opponent the one time he did win.

You had me at OK.

Finally some progress seeing reality.

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Ok, ok, ok…but certainly there can’t 80,999,999,998 more russian collusion, illusion, delusional, Muellerized, twice impeachmentized, J6ized Brandonites? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


Downballot race results suggest that a lot of what you childishly call “Brandonites” were voting against the toxic Trump.

…and there is NO justification. What’s going on at the southern border is owned by the “childish” mentality of Brandonites.

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