Deep state strikes again

Some dumb opinion piece

You forgot the classic it’s just tds one here…you know the last line of defense for an idiot

I like this part of the article linked in the OP.

from Roger Stone sentence: Judges worried about political interference

“Although there are times when political leadership appropriately weighs in on individual prosecutions, it is unheard of for the department’s top leaders to overrule line prosecutors, who are following established policies, in order to give preferential treatment to a close associate of the president, as Attorney General Barr did in the Stone case,” the letter reads.

Stone was found guilty in November of lying to the House Intelligence Committee and obstructing its investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

Given the unprecedented and blatant disparity in treatment between Stone and Clapper, I’d say a little unprecedented activity from the boss is in order.

Did Clapper intimidate witnesses?

Stone’s sentence is what it is because they caught him threatening a witness.

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Oh? Did that take place before or after a case was brought against him? When was a case brought against Clapper?

Indeed. This alleged tit-for-tat nonsense is just that. Nonsense. Barr’s DOJ has decided not to charge Clapper with any crime. Barr’s DOJ decided to charge Stone with multiple crimes, of which he was found guilty by a jury of his peers.

One has nothing to do with the other. Except to muddy the water and make excuses for Barr weighing in on the sentencing of Stone. There were over 60,000 federal sentencing recommendations made last year. Guess how many were overridden by the AG?

But no, nothing to see here. Everything is fine. This is totally normal. This is clearly the dumbest possible timeline we are living in.


What does Clapper have to do with Stone?

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First of all, it wasn’t Barr’s DOJ when Clapper was let off the hook. Second, good for Barr for doing his job of supervising his employees.

Imagine in another timeline where a scandal wracked Clinton administration has to deal with John Podesta getting charged with abducting children and holding them against their will in a pizza parlor basement and then after the DOJ hands down a sentence, Attorney General Zombie Janet Reno intervenes.

Imagine it.



Everything is not fine. You guys dont like that Trump was elected, and I dont like that the populace felt they had to elect him to send a message to our govt about ethics. He was elected because of a perceived two tier justice system. Myself, and millions of others do not like two tiered justice systems. Clapper lied to the congress and the fbi. So did McCabe. No charges brought. Why were charges brought against Stone and Gen Flynn for lying to the FBI, but charges were not brought against Clapper or McCabe for lying to the FBI? That is a two tier justice system on display for all to see. It is also disgusting. Now you will tell me Trump is in charge of the DOJ. If he demanded that the DOJ charge them, you would want to impeach him for that.

The bottom line is the folks that are in govt should be treated more harshly and charged more vigorously than private individuals. They have more influence, and their actions affect more folks than private citizens. They should be made an example of.

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Trump is the head of the Executive Branch, including the DOJ, and has been for years now. It’s his people. They work at his pleasure. And he has the authority to request they do what he seeks, as long as there is no corrupt intent. If crimes were committed by Clapper or McCabe, then it is Trump’s prerogative to demand his DOJ act. Something he has failed to do and is the source of your alleged vitriol.

He has every right as POTUS to request his DOJ investigate and prosecute crimes. He and Barr, his hand-picked AG, have chosen not to do so. Which either means there is a two-tier system, or the source of your information has not been fully honest with you, and used confirmation bias and emotion to convince you of something that does not exist. When you separate the actual evidence and the judicial system from the spin and narrative of partisans, then typically the justice system wins out with reality and truth every time.

Then there is the issue of Stone. Someone who has gone through the full process and had his crimes adjudicated. He was found guilty by a jury of his peers. Sentencing guidelines and recommendations are established and were submitted. Trump and/or his AG acting on his behalf to undercut a fully adjudicated conviction, in order to show leniency to one of his friends, reeks of corrupt intent, and deserves to be scrutinized.

Which leads us back to whom your ire should be directed. All of the crimes you believe to have occurred have been prevented from progressing by the Trump administration. No one else. The man you fully support is the head of this all. It’s because of him that you feel as if there is a two-tier justice system. So, will assign blame where it belongs? Or continue to believe there is a swamp and a two-tier system of justice that Trump is trying to undo?


The defense is also part of the deep state

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Trump tweeted. Other than that, so far as anyone has any reason to believe, he wasn’t involved in any of this at all.

So far Barr has completed one review of one item of “Hurricane” (get Trump). In that, he found that DOJ officials altered evidence and practiced fraud on the court. No wonder there are a lot of unhappy ex-DOJ officials.

I tend to think that the media is overblowing what is coming out of this group to make it look more anti Trump than it is.
However, if they actually did do what the media wants, and say something against the Trump administration, they would be very much on thin ice. Remember when Ginsburg made an anti Trump comment and had to retract it because it was getting into politics? If these judges make any such comment they are getting into an area where Judges have traditionally considered it crossing the separation of powers line.
As long as the DOJ is not outside of their Constitutional authority, their decisions are not any judges concerns.

who practiced fraud.

who said they are going to make a statement, Judges are free to meet and discussion issues related to their jobs.

Yeah, that’s the problem. That’s the sort of thinking that had us waste two years and millions of dollars to try to prove that Trump was getting his marching orders from Putin.
Someone talked on a phone call with a Russian so lets make up all sorts of conspiracy theories about it and investigate and not give up.

In this case, prosecutors wanted a 9 year sentence. Barr decided to exercise his supervisory authority and change the recommendation. Trump decided to tweet about the sentence being too long. Those are three facts. From these three facts Democrats decide that the trail is:

9 year sentence recommendation > Trump tweets > Barr sees tweet and considers it an order

whereas Barr has said it goes more like this

Barr changes recommendation < prosecutors suggest 9 years > Trump tweets

The only basis for the first case is in the mind of Democrats, not from facts. It is the same sort of thinking that got us into the Russia collusion hoax. There is no evidence…only suspicion.

Now common sense would tell you that if Trump wanted to enter some nefarious conspiracy with Barr to help his friend, he isn’t going to give the order by tweet.

Sure they are. But without a statement, this is kind of a non issue. Why is it even a thread? “Judges meet and we don’t know what they will say” would have been the proper thread title.