Deep South Freedom

Nada. Nada a damn thing.


These two positions conflict with one another.

This is where I am now at as well with these issues.

The bad publicity should be enough. Go give someone else your business and spend a ■■■■■■■■ of money there.

Show the owners who shut you out the amount you spent if you’re feeling vindictive.

They have every right to do on their property as they want. They can be as vile, ignorant and racist as they want to be.

They should also accept any social cost that comes with their policy.


A true conservative defends the property rights of all.


That’s obviously the easiest thing to do when I worked in Japan they were quite a few nightclubs that would not let me in because I was a Gaijin. I just went somewhere else that did and scratched that place off the list.

Denying a mixed race couple access to your venue to marry, expressly because they are mixed race, is not a racial issue.



From the article:

“First of all, we don’t do gay weddings or mixed race, because of our Christian race—I mean, our Christian belief,” the woman tells Welch in the video.

Clearly it’s as much a racial issue as it is about sexual orientation.


it completely is a racial issue.

They are hiding behind a religious shield to justify being terrible and idiotic.

They should be called out and exposed for the racist ■■■■■■■■ that they are.

That is our right.

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One is born with the color of their skin. I’ve written extensively on the issue:

the part on civil rights, blacks compared to homosexuals here

A Study of Homosexuality, all its Repercussions, and Matt1618 Comparison to Religion, Blacks, and Civil Rights Comparison to Religion, Blacks, and Civil Rights

tell me where I am wrong.

You are choosing The Worthy.

Not. Sure. If. Serious…

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You are selectively choosing one group over another. Based on feelings and beliefs, of which, are clearly not shared by everyone. What makes your feelings and beliefs more “right” than someone else?

Were all put down in one point or the other for something whether its a job you really want, a school we didn’t get accepted in, or a girl you have a major crush on, turned you down. You move on, that’s life. If they are 1 in 1000 cake bakers or chapels who don’t want to marry homosexuals just go to the one down the street that will, it’s that simple.

Why would they want to get married there, if the owners don’t want them you can’t change how people feel. In the end the government will just be making owners marry them and in their minds while marrying them they are thinking the most horrible thoughts ever.

I’m pretty sure they probably don’t have any deeply held religious beliefs that tell them not to do business with “certain people” or “certain mixes” of people, they’re just holding up Jesus as a shield against ugly bigotry.

But hey, I suppose that’s a good look in that particular part of the country, and maybe even a successful business model in this era of Fake Religious Freedom. Way to capitalize on that.


It’s not going to change how the people feel, then the homosexual couple getting married there are not going to know the owners loathe them and might have pissed in the punch. I would want to know if I wasn’t wanted and I would take my business elsewhere.

This chart will help

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Is denying a mixed race couple access to your venue to marry, expressly because they are mixed race a racial issue?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

My deeply held religious belief is that we should build a giant wall around Alabama, put all of the bigots and Trumpists inside, and then tell them to fend for themselves with all of the freedom they want for a few years.


Way too much broad brushing. Most people in the South have no problem with a mixed race marriage not even from a religious stand point as Moses was married to a black lady.

SSM is a different proposition however.

p.s. This isn’t a church(as you said earlier) but rather a wedding venue(chapel?).

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