Declassified intel: China, not Russia, may be responsible for bounties on US soldiers

Oh…that’s baaa baaa, baaad.

Hunter isn’t President. However I’d put this in the same bucket as Ivanka and her patents.

Has Joe Biden manufactured clothes in China? Bank account in China? Tried to establish property in China?

Dude…if this is how you rationalize things, you’ll always be desiring reparations.

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Which part isn’t true? Let’s have an actual discussion

Mitch McConnell is a millionaire because he married into the Chinese shipping industry, and helped install that gold bar wife as Transportation Secretary but ya Hunter Biden will ruin us.

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Oh now you want to wait…too funny.

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Absolutely not! The new standard is the Trump/ Russia standard. Wait for nothing. Declare guilt first. Thanks’ for showing us how this is done.

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He’s asking you to be consistent.

Ivanka benefited from her father’s dealings as President.

If it’s bad when Hunter trades in his father’s influence, it’s bad when Ivanka does it too.

So you think Ivanka needs Chinese cash? Do you remember what her last name is? What is your specific example of Ivanka’s cash for influence scheme?

I’ll wait.

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I am. Were her actions legal or illegal? Were Hunter’s actions legal or illegal?

Yes, based on her last name she needs cash and the Trumps have never been too picky where it comes from. Russia, China, US Taxpayers, campaign money, it’s all good. The patriarch is up to his eyeballs in debt, most of his properties are hemorrhaging cash and there is no visible way to have him make good on his soon to mature debts without a considerable sell off.

If we are worried about Hunter Biden’s influence peddling, which is considerable, then you have to appalled at the Trump spawn and the son in law when it comes to influence peddling.

You forgot this part of the question:

What is your specific example of Ivanka’s cash for influence scheme?

Was Ivanka criticized in much of the media for possible preferential treatment by China? I believe that is how you happen to know anything about it.
But the devil is in the details. What did China expect in their dealings with Hunter. What did Hunter agree to do for them. How, if at all, was Joe involved. I was told for three years that you wait until after the investigation to reach a conclusion. And, as we learned from Horowitz, the basis for an investigation is “credible accusation”.
As I recall, there were still a lot of discussions going on in this forum before Mueller concluded that there was no evidence of cooperation with Russia… So let the discussions continue.

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And what has the media said about Hunter’s China dealings?

So it must be a cash for influence scheme in order for it to be concerning to conservatives?

Of what scheme are we speaking? Nobody wants to chime in.

If it turns out there were bounties and China was paying them, I’m going to laugh my ass off.