Knowledge and intelligence that comes with age and the fact that I’m comfortable with the idea that there is no higher power out there and that there is nothing after death whereas these ideas scare a lot of people so they fill themselves with self delusion as a means of comfort. Christianity is just like every other man created mythology out there to try and explain the unexplainable. And like every other religion it stole heavily from those that came before it. There is absolutely no more proof of christianity being real than there is of the Greek gods. Or the Norse Gods. Or Egyptian ones. Etc, etc.
What is the solution? Immediately after the election, President Trump showed a willingness to let bygones be bygones. It was the Democratic Party that went on the attack in a variety of ways. They have not let up yet.
I saw a cartoon once that illustrated the flaw in converting. It showed a couple of missionaries at somebody’s front door and the guy answering the door says:
"So, let me get this straight. Anyone who doesn’t know about your God and hell won’t be doomed because they simply don’t know any better, but you’re “saving” people by telling them there’s a God and if they don’t believe in him, they’re going to hell. So you didn’t just potentially help damn the very person you just “saved”? Paraphrasing, but you get the gist.
"No, you don’t have it straight. Our scripture teaches that if you do accept our invitation to learn about God, and you do come to believe and become a follower of Christ–and then turn away even though you now know God and His love–you may be condemning yourself to an eternity apart from God. The early Apostles lived in a time when Christians were being martyred, and some were turning away from a commitment to Christ to follow the Roman emperor instead. The Apostles taught there may well be a cost to Christians who do this. You have made no commitment, and it is our advice that you consider any such commitment carefully before you make it.
(Always good to return to the original author and who his original audience was.)