Dear America....Socialism

I’ve been driving around in the Midwest for a few days.

Wanna know what I see? Half the little businesses (including manufacturing) have hiring banners posted outside.

I suggest the Socialists and perverts build an ark and line up NxM (that used to be 2x2). The rain is coming.

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My compliments to him.

Our discussion might likely range all over. It’s wierd to think of think of things from first principle. It takes one down the strangest of ratholes dragging the odd amalgam of stuff.

I had a thought about an advanced program on using water and gravity as a battery, here, last night. Sometimes it is like an odd collection of lint in the dryer filter, or a simplifying lightning strike of an idea.

It is strange knowing what is known about how everything works down to the sub-atomic level.

And then the Democrats keep crashing thier few societal successes on the well known rocks of Socialism and Communism.

Einstein weeps.

The Kingdom of Heaven is also here. For those who are born again it starts now.

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

The door is open to all, the problem is most don’t want to follow the rules. Too bad, their loss.

Rom 9:16; So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy.

I am, after all, a Calvinist. :disappointed_relieved:

I may or may not have told you in the past but one of my best friends is a real hellfire and brimstone fundamentalist baptist yet we have some of the best religious discussions I’ve ever been a party to throughout my life.

This cannot possibly be true.

The Angry one assures me that Communism will win!


Yeah, I walked through that fire.

I have since found solace in the sovereignty of God, except perhaps at the Quantum level by his own design, but certainly in things regarding Salvation.

I am clearly tasked with speaking of the Gospel. I trust to the Holy Spirit to make my well meaning efforts effective where God wills.

I am an aficionado of logic also; so let us remove the odd stuff via Reductio:

What the heck is with the extra “e” on the article “the”???

I enjoy saying it like that, instead of thee other way. The more people bring it up, thee more I enjoy doing it. Just like I’ve never had a smart phone before, only flip phones.
I was going to get a smart phone, but electronics just advance so fast.
By the time I was going to get a smart phone, people would see my flip phone, and always say things like I can’t believe you still have a flip phone! lol. Now I enjoy having it for sock value.

Fare thee well until you join the rest of us.

How does making Americans pay more for imports help the situation? And where does Trump get off railing against subsidies when he’s tossing $12B to American farmers?

Not to mention, the EU has not “caved”. They’ve done no more than agree to talk further, talks which could be scuttled by a single idiotic Trump tweet (like the ones today) or dissent from any EU member(s).

Jesus is dead and your religion is on its way out.

It will. Don’t worry. The founding mythology of this country is being unraveled.

Look up “Great Awakening” there have been several.

There will be at least one more.

All we can do is try to be good examples and share his word with those who will listen.

We can’t force others to believe nor would God want us to as it would eliminate freedom in general and free will in particular.

And you remain wrong. They dropped the proposed retaliatory tariffs immediately.

Oooh, they “dropped” something that hadn’t happened yet… but the existing ones were unaffected.