Dear America....Socialism

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Day one, meaning top priority. That was his promise to Americans.

You can make all the excuses you want, but he failed. He tried to bully Congress, but they are different from the mom and pop contractors he was used to screwing over and bullying.

So far his accomplishments to date are:

Overturning some Obama EOs
Tax break for the rich and for corporations

And signing a budget with a deficit of over a trillion dollars.

Not 1 trillion!? Obama and thee Democrats took the countries debt from 11 trillion to 19 trillion!
I think that Trump is still doing ok. Heā€™s putting money into the country so Americans get get things like money back.

Yeah, it must really suck calling every lame ass democrat a socialist for years only to have to resort to using the same weak ass talking points against Sanders, Cortez, etc and no one giving a ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  Hey, at least the right gets to experience a similar experience to the libs complaining they lost the election because of fake news only to see that become Donald Trumpā€™s catch phrase.


It was the very earliest Christianity that almost no one knows anything about.

The EU caved and China is back at the negotiating table. Iā€™d call that a win in our favor.

In what way did the EU ā€œcaveā€ exactly? And isnā€™t it a little premature to characterize the result of ongoing negotiations with China (who are pretty shrewd negotiators going up against an imbecile)? And at what cost in tariffs (which wind up being taxes on us)?

Actually most of my thinking and talking points Iā€™ve thought and used for years against most of my friends who are liberals. At least the ones my age are. Iā€™ve tended to be friends with people whom were older than myself my entire life.

I can see that nobody gives a bleep about what I say. So what does that say about you then?
Why are you commenting on this Thread if you donā€™t give a ****?
A friendly hint; If you contradict yourself within your own post, nobody gives a **** what youā€™re saying. lol. Well, your fellow Democrats might give a ****, but youā€™re not going to get much bleeping respect overall for bleeping doing it, and bleeping saying the **** words. lol. ****!
Iā€™m just curious, but are you a transsexual? I only ask because your screen name kinda makes you look like it. Be true to who youā€™re. I accept you for you, and Iā€™m sure that everyone else here will also.

They dropped the threatened tariffs, agreed to start backing off of the existing tariffs, open their markets to US autos, and to bring tariffs to 0 reciprocally.

China cannot get along without US, their entire economy is dependent on exports to the US and agricultural imports from the US.

They can only get by for a very limited time without US grain imports as well. There isnā€™t enough excess on the world markets to supply them without skyrocketing prices.

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At this point this is a moot question, our Nation is now already and Oligarchy. Everyone let D.D. Eisenhauer let it happen. Now the question is can we recover it to our Republic without bloodshed.

Please make a thread about this? Explaining this exactly how you did to thee Democrat just now?

For some reason I think that Democrats think that America is desperate for trade with certain countries and we should still be kissing their behinds, just like pretty much every President before Trump. I donā€™t think they realize that most countries need us more than we need them, and when President Trump stands up for America Economy wise, that he isnā€™t going to back down like other Presidents have in thee past.

It would serve no purpose, weā€™ve already had quite a few threads on the subject.

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Actually, yeah, that is exactly it.

And America is based on Protestantism. Because of this legacy we are still kicking Communist butt.

Jesus lives. Heā€™s coming back. Most importantly, he has paid the price for the sins of anyone willing to place their belief on him to be right with God.

Communism offers nothing but enslavement to the whims of tin pot dictators and bureaucrats; Jesus offers life and freedom.

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ā€œEternal life and Freedom from Sinā€.

That one will sting the loony Libs in the head.


true. But your selling points so to speak are a lot greater points.
Why not create a better version, than whatā€™s out there?
I respectfully agree to disagree. Iā€™d post it myself, but you said it first.
Sometimes I resay what others do and change it around into my own words,
but for thee most part I try and stay as authentic as I can.

You and my uncle might get along. He has a degree in Physics.