Dear America....Socialism

Maybe. But as long as I’m alive I’m going to fight against it.
Thee Democrats can only force their ways upon America so much at a time.
Bernie, nor Hillary didn’t win, because America isn’t ready to keep going further and further to the left, to thee point of Socialism just yet. They’re having their voice be heard, for thee first time in a long time. Politicians on both sides are afraid of Trump, because he actually keeps his promises, and that makes them look bad. Because it shows the truth to thee American people. Just how lazy the politicians have really been. Both sides take their sweet time getting anything done. Where as Trump is getting his 10th thing done, the Democrats and Republicans are still arguing over the first thing. He’s a doer, and people respect that, because he gets things done!

I guess it’s easier to believe this one individual differs from all other charismatic cult leaders in human history because he really was god unlike the others. Yeah, that’s it.

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Christianity has nothing to do with collectivism.

There’s nothing you can do to stop it.

Yet we’ve succeeded to the point that there only a handful of communist countries left, most of which are failing miserably in every way.

Doesn’t matter.

Maybe. Maybe not. I know I can at least try and help slow it down, and help fight against it. I’ve never really fit in anywhere with anyone in life, and I’m sure as heck not ganna start doing what is cool now. Simply just to fit in. I’m a rebel with a cause. lol. That’s what I find funny about liberals. They’re supposedly all about standing out, and being special. How is being a liberal special any more, when it’s cool, and everyone’s been doing it more and more so over thee years? Thee simple answer is, that’s it’s not special any more, because to be a political rebel is to be a Conservative in today’s society. lol. Gosh, I love logic, and I loooooove being a Conservative! lol.

Has anyone ever told you that you’re an extremely detailed person? lmao.

Trump said he was repealing and replacing Obamacare on Day One. We are well past Day One. Trump didn’t get it done, so he’s stuck on getting his first thing done.

It doesn’t matter how much Trump gets done, nor does it matter how fast he gets it done.
The liberals will probably never give him credit for doing anything right.
He could find the cure for cancer, and they still wouldn’t give him credit.
I actually heard that while watching Hannity. The whole cancer part, but it’s true.

Well that’s not true at all. The liburls on this very board gave the President credit for returning the remains of American soldiers who died in Korea

Wait, you said he’s on getting his 10th thing accomplished, and I stated he didn’t get first first one accomplished.

Which is it? It doesn’t matter or he cannot get anything accomplished?

hold on a second. I think I’m having a heart attack, because of shock from what you just told me!
Democrats on here actually giving Trump credit on here!? I never thought it until this moment, but now I know that miracles are possible!
But I was talking more on a national level, and from the liberal biased brainwashing media.

Both the national level and the media gave him credit for same. A basic google search will turn up the information you are seeking

You missed the thread where they called him a liar.

So 50 dead soldiers were called a lie because they weren’t 200.

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Just because he doesn’t get things done in the order of what you want, doesn’t mean that he isn’t going to get them done sooner or later. He’s getting other things done, and he’s already worked on Obamacare a little, but it’s kind of hard to get things done to a degree when the Democrats are completely blocking him on that subject, and a lot of Republicans are traitors to their Party and should be fired, and in place should actually be voted in real Conservatives. Then, yes, he would get it done. Thee funny thing about Democrats is that they can make all the mistakes in the world. They can misspeak, lie, cheat, or whatever and it gets swept under the rug. If a Conservative politically does one little thing wrong, it’s blown out of proportion by the liberal media. It’s a double standard. Soooo I’ll take waiting on Trump and trust that he’s going to get it done, and you can have your double standard.
How about that? What do you think about the double standard in the media and in politics in today’s society Snuff said? It’s ok if you don’t reply, because you’ve already said enough. lol.

Typical for Democrats to say such things. They Love twisting around the truth, or just flat out lying about Trump. No wonder their trust rating, and ratings in general are so low. lol.

Just how is Trump’s trade war “working in our favor”?

They have a hundred ways to deceive. Lying is but one method.

They have been trained to throw the truth on its back, to push it way, to strike at its head and heart, to use its own weight against itself.
They are like martial arts experts in deception.


No, the 200 were called a lie because it was stated as having already happened, long before the 55 (which is a lot less than 200, and have yet to be validated) were returned. A lie, pure and simple.