Dear America....Socialism

So what is your religious or spiritual beliefs?
Do you want people to respect your spiritual beliefs or religion?
Why don’t you respect others?
It shouldn’t matter what you believe in religious or spiritual wise!
Everyone’s religion and spiritual beliefs should be respected.

It’s your choice America? A Socialist Democrat country, or Capitalism Republicans?

That won’t be happening anytime soon.

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Personally, I think that she is living in a fantasy world. lol.

Angra Mainyu is male. I still respect him.

My bad. I didn’t know, since he or she had a woman’s picture up. That’s cool either way. Actually I don’t support trans, so I’m support of confused? Why would he have picture of a she on his profile picture?

You can stop trying to be witty.

It’s Kim Jong-un’s sister.

Are you sure? The church is nothing compared to its former self. The power and social control it used to propagate itself in the past is gone.

I don’t expect anyone to respect my politics. I have no spiritual beliefs.

I do enjoy the occasional death threat, so I don’t put my identity on the internet.

Why are you forever trying to have conversations about people’s avatars? It’s super weird.

You are correct that it is not as strong as it used to be, but there are now many Protestant denominations. So, Christianity isn’t on its way out, even if it has been damaged and tainted by Enlightenment liberalism. I know we are talking about Christianity, but Marxists’ antipathy extends to all religions—even though it, much like liberalism/neoliberalism, can be described as a religion—and religions like Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism cover the rest of the world. They’ve existed for thousands of years and humanity’s affinity for religion cannot be looked as anything other than innate.

We don’t like organized religion as it reinforces hierarchical class structures and falsely attributes problems caused by such structures to mystical forces. The innateness of spirituality is evolutionary in some regard, as the shamans were integral to band survival/cohesion. The priest class that developed only a short time ago correlates with diversification of labor (class)

Thank you! I didn’t know I was being witty! I feel really smart now! :slight_smile:

I’m still confused why he would have a picture of a she on his profile.
Whatever floats his or her boat.

More wonders of socialism’s medical system…

“The National Hospital Survey, published in March by the opposition-controlled National Assembly and by an NGO called Doctors for Health, said 96 percent of Venezuela’s hospitals fail to feed their patients adequately, or do not feed them at all.”

You would think the leftist would just stop as it’s an obvious failure, but they just blame others while children starve. Why doesn’t Maduro just resign? Why does he pretend to be elected?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Bernie Sanders are two different Socialists. They’re examples of what the future of thee Democratic Party looks like. Take a good look Americans, because they’re going to continue to do this little by little, and the less Conservatives talk about it and bring it out in the open, the more little by little these Socialists are going to be able to sneak in and steal an election. It will take years and years to do, but ultimately over time, Socialists/Anarchists will have the majority of the Democratic Party. That’s why they can’t come out and simply say what they stand for currently. Because thee American people would deny them. So they have to pretend to be moderate or in the middle, especially near close to elections. As a Conservative I enjoy pointing out that Democrats want Socialism in general, but I think that it’s definitely more and more important the closer it gets towards an election, thee real agenda on their plates.

I respect the fact that you have every right if you’re an American citizen to have the freedom to have an opinion in politics and spiritual beliefs.
Now if you were over in North Korea, and tried voicing your political views, if they didn’t line up with little rocket mans, then you might want to think about picking out your casket now, because you’d probably end up with a bullet in your head.
I’m proud that I have the freedom to speak my opinions, and live in a country that allows me to do that. Do you enjoy being able to voice your opinions freely?

I wouldn’t have that issue because my views do align with the chairman. There’s no such thing as human rights.

you mean little rocket mans? So your fine with your opinions and voice not being heard?
If you care so strongly about communisms or a dictatorship, than why not go live over there?
What country do you live in!? You’re saying that there are no human rights, as you argue from a Democrat American point of view? lol.

I’m not a democrat. I live in America. The struggle against imperialism is a world wide effort.