Deadbeat insurrectionists

I read it a couple of times and tried to be objective from different perspectives. It’s too general and can apply to multiple people. Maybe you can share your interpretation?

That idiot giggled her way through multiple interviews encouraging leftists to “not stop” and “they’ll never stop” rioting, burning and looting.
I hope “Team Trump” plays “Fweedom’s” videos (and others) during the ‘peachment clown show.
They’re responsible for the riot atmosphere in my opinion, for not condemning the summer rioters.

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Just like Antifa…when you have nothing to lose…

This is why I blamed the lockdowns for the summer unrest and the Capitol trespass.

More deadbeat insurrectionists…



I bet it would be similar for the most violent ones.

Oregon…when will those there who have common sense…say…enough is enough?

They got outnumbered by the woke many years ago. It will never happen.

Are there any left there with common sense?

Common sense left Oregon years ago.

Ok, ok, ok…let’s go with uncommon sense. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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I don’t know if we can go with any sense at all in Oregon.

Have an in law in Portland. Her common sense level is Nada.

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Why does Fox News leave out any mention of the the Proud Boys and other far right supporters were there?

Why does the Fox News Article leave out that one of the arrests made of an “armed” person was a dude pulling out a handgun on Antifa right in front of the cops?

Why dies the Fox News article say have picture of someone dressed in black block under the phrase “One person arrested by police allegedly had pulled out a gun.” when the actual arrest was was not that guy?


Some of the media say he hasn’t been arrested and the mob sprayed him before he pulled the gun.

And apparently damaged his truck.

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How dare he defend himself against a pack of rabid libs. Who does he think he is??


I wonder what they would arrest him for?

For standing up to a bunch of worthless mouth breathers?


I saw the video. They sprayed him and looked like they were going to gang up and beat him as well.

When he pulled the gun they ran like scared rabbits. They took him in but decided he was the victim.

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Let’s see. Man gets out of car with gun at. points it at people might be slightly against the law.


The authorities appear to have done the correct thing for once. Enough is enough.

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Maybe they aren’t stupid after all.