Daddy, Why Do You Carry Your Gun to the Door?

No, not at all. I am suggesting that there comes a time when, usually older folks, should be approached by family and loved ones to reconsider driving, climbing ladders, using lawnmowers, power tools and guns. And as in my view the NRA et al are in a battle of perceptions as well as substance, it might be smart to get ahead of the narrative on this issue. This would demonstrative to many that they care deeply about legally owned guns by law abiding citizens being used unscrupulously.

Mmmmm. Have a talk with? Ok.

Take? No.

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The least dangerous thing for older people on that list is guns.

So exactly what would you say to an elderly family member about having and/or using them?


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I think each would have to figure that out for themselves. And to be clear, Iā€™m not talking about all elderly people, Iā€™m talking about elderly people who probably shouldnā€™t drive, go on the roof or use a gun. I told my parents, ā€˜hey, sorry to say this, but itā€™s probably time you shouldnā€™t drive anymoreā€™. But I understand how every suggestion on guns, especially by a lefty such as me, can carry the implications of control to confiscation. In this discussion it should not. Try to view this discussion in the context of safety only.

All of that is subjective. I am 76 ā€¦ my wife and kids have been telling me to not climb a ladder and get up on the roof for 10-15 years. I was up there cleaning the gutters last week.


That would be the stupidest thing the NRA could do, politically. What are they getting ahead of again? Grandpaā€™s house not getting broken into? Less taxes for the kids to pay because of a lesser inheritance? Grandpa handing down the old model 700 to the kid who he really wanted to have it?


How would it be safer for grandpa to not be armed?

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I knew an old timer that carried one of these in his overalls breast pocket until the day he died. If you told him he should think about not carrying it, heā€™d wonder what your angle was. Probably never look at you the same again.


I actually went through the car keys.

Yeah, repeating here: not all grandpas.


Good guys with guns prevent a mass shooting.

Libs probably will not have much to say.

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Thatā€™s one way of looking at it.

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Trans woman, felon, anti semite from El Salvador?

Thanks for the good guys with guns!


Cops shot the kid.

Obviously a MAGA.

Freakinā€™ Trump!

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Another tranny mass shooter?

Another church targeted?


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Has it really been since February for this thread?