Daddy, Why Do You Carry Your Gun to the Door?

Silly, only systemically racist police should be armed. /sarcasm


As I have given thought to this, I believe a teacher willing to go through response training, and fire arms training if not already in possession of the skill from prior experience, should open carry and wear clear identification that they are members of the school response team. Contrary to popular myth, children are not living in terror of firearms. These response team members shouldnā€™t be used for maintaining regular order, outside of their own classroom. Their only purpose should be to deter with their presence and where deterrence fails, defend the studentā€™s lives in response to an active shooter in the school.

Just like with many other professions, most people have a stereotypical image of teachers ā€¦ one which does not include owning and shooting guns and killing would be assassins of children. Of course, like all stereotypes, there are always going to be many exceptions. The number of unarmed teachers who have died trying to protect their students should have at least mollified the belief that they are not capable of using a gun to even the playing field between them and the armed assailants, but dedicated libism is a hard nut to crack.

You canā€™t. And there have been incidents where indeed that has occurred. Itā€™s a significant argument against no-knock warrants.

ā€œHe was tired because every time he calls the police, (they took) forever to come and assist him,ā€ Malma said.

Failed stateā€¦


Not very good predators, canā€™t tell the difference between a helpless old sheep and an old grey wolf.


helpless old sheep can become old gray wolves when they stop waiting for government to rescue them like this guy wisely did.


Stop believing in the failed state. Right on!

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Actually, ANY State. The police are gonna be too many minutes away no matter where you are in the country. Well, Iā€™m sure multiple someones have tried to rob a police station ā€¦ example ā€¦

ā€¦ but extremely stupid criminals aside that statement stands.

The state, as in government.

Does not have to be a failed state for it to still be wise to not wait for rescue.

The state is already failed.

so-called ā€œprogressivesā€ consider that failure a success.

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Yes, yes they do. A model steps further down the road to Utopia. Remember how they touted Venezuela and Cuba?

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It has always been known that unless an LEO happens to encounter a crime, in the act, they the victim is on their own until LEOs are notified, dispatched, arrive on scene, determine the situation and then intervene. Thatā€™s a lot of steps to complete between the initiation of need for assistance and finally receiving assistance.


Fight or dieā€¦


The 'Uvalde kick in the door", carefully times to coincide with the end of an event.

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To be fair, if youā€™re ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  never mind.

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I donā€™t like it, too many people are careless. The gun should be in a biometrically locked safe in the trained teachers classroom. Otherwise, someone will get careless and someone will get hurt and that will be the end of the practice.