Dad leaves Liz speechless

Everyone loves to call out the greed of “big pharma.” Why are we not allowed to call out the greed of big education?


It isn’t if you have talent or plan wisely.

Ivy league schools should command value.

Future generations? Mine? Or yours?

I love how someone having to work two jobs to pay off a student loan is ignored and instead let’s focus on “if I had to suffer so should they!”.

So petty and useless.

it’s all just a matter of timing who gets free college and not?

Then you will have lousy faculty.

Research will stagnate.

Foreign students will stay home.

The average price for a single year is 20,000 in America.
The average price for a single year is 6,000 in Canada.

why is your average school so much more expensive?

This guy could be the Joe the Plumber. This story might get bigger.

Loan forgiveness is a value exchange

Canada, Europe all have price control are faculty lousy, Research stagnating, Foreign student staying home?

You get what you pay for and what you put into it.

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To expose how ridiculous students loans are? Yes.

Because they’re better.

If you say so.

So now all financial policy changes have to be retroactive? Stupid argument.

“Joe” the “Plumber”.

How’d that work out for you guys last time?


no the reason why education is so expensive in America is because the government makes billions via loans.

a 18 year old can’t drink a beer but can take out a 140,000 loan with no down-payment.

What? How dare you!

GOVERNMENT is the Solution, not the problem!