(D)omestic Terror in Atlanta

The democrats who run those cities.

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Fact remains the majority of the country did not benefit from slavery. Fact is most of the country was not even a part of the United States.

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Is the modern Democratic party anti-immigration? Anti-communist? Anti-atheism? Anti-segregation?

Who votes for those Democrats in local office elections?

I disagree with opinion and don’t consider it a fact.

Fact is most of the country was not even a part of the United States.

When I married my wife I took on her school debt. When those state’s joined the union they took on the union’s debt.

Fact is your wrong. Not one person today owes anyone because of the democrats owning slaves. If someone has to pay it should be people who’s ancestors owned slaves.

I’m open to being wrong. What do you got to convince me otherwise?

Not one person today owes anyone because of the democrats owning slaves.

Correct… which is why the government should be, if anyone, the one to pay.



“Right wing” is a label leftist put on almost anyone who doesn’t agree with them, primarily conservatives. :roll_eyes:

The KKK were neither right wing nor left wing or conservatives. They were a bunch of nasty white supremist Democrats.

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Well that was a response.

What percentage do you estimate of people on welfare aren’t reliant on it?

I’m reminded of a central truth about race grievance hustlers: to make a living at it they have to work to keep people angrier and unhappier than they would otherwise be, because happy and well adjusted people do not need to keep around folks to constantly stir them up and make and keep them miserable and they will not pay folks to do it to them.

The great tragedy of race grievance hustling is that for the vast majority there is no upside to it for them at all, they may even do the work for free and think they are doing good, but only a few will make a living at it.


They’re reliant because they were deliberately made that way and have no incentive to stop being reliant. The only people that NEED these people to be on welfare are the Democrats who get their votes for the checks they hand out to able bodied people.

Tell me something, since you’re a non racist and all… Do you really believe these able bodied people on welfare are somehow less capable of caring for themselves? Less smart? More prone to commit crimes? More likely to use drugs? More likely to have multiple babies out of wedlock that they can’t afford? If so, you demonstrate the most insidious form of racism there is. THANK YOU GOOD LIB FOR CARING FOR THESE POOR SOULS WHO WOULD JUST LANGUISH IN SQUALOR AND DIE IF NOT FOR YOUR COMPASSIONATE CARE!! Funny thing though, there’s just as many today as there was when you guys started " helping" them.

In another thread you asked how or why inner cities are the way they are… It’s because once Republican Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, you Democrats wouldn’t allow them to be educated or work decent jobs for a full century. Your Democrat racists forced them into big cities because they couldn’t force them back on the plantations. You Democrats got to pen them up in ghettos, limit their ability to do anything productive, robbed them of hope and opportunity and then conditioned them to be grateful and dependent on you for your loving tender care!

It wouldn’t be used if it wasn’t needed… Designed for people people who need it… :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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The government is forbidden to enact ex post facto laws. That would include assigning a right to remuneration where none previously existed under our laws. That doubly applies since all of those who worked under those conditions all have died without ever bringing a suit claiming injury and standing to bring such claims died with them.

There is nothing owed. None have a valid claim.

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Collective racism, a hallmark of most communism.

Hold up… Republicans and conservatives are no longer on the right anymore?

They were a bunch of nasty white supremacist right-wing Democrats.

Name their right wing positions.

Dude, stop.

This is getting pathetic.

That’s not an answer.

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Then plantation owners and textile factory owners should consider paying reparations to the remaining slaves.
Anything else makes the innocent pay the non victims…meanwhile dividing the country even further.

No they shouldn’t, those owners are dead.

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