(D)omestic Terror in Atlanta


Sorry get your sarcasm now

No, seriously.

Anti-non-nordic-immigration, anti-communism, anti-federal gov, anti-gay, anti-abortion, nationalism…

Both parties at the time.

That doesn’t make them not right wing.

As if everything under the sun doesn’t already divide our country… the media makes sure of it.


As are the slaves.

“Left wing” is a label rightests put on almost anyone who doesn’t agree with them, primarily progressives.

Slavery was geographic, not partisan.

Jim Crow was a reaction to the perceived forced change in hegemony and vengeance for slavery.

What is left of the old extreme Left that is still extreme to the Left anymore?

Full socialism. Communism.

Democratic Socialism


Not as popular as you think it is.

Not the question.

How popular do I think it is?

I didn’t ask a question. I would have thought maybe you were responding to @Rurudyne’s question, but you did that separately.


I know.

Interesting. What else do I think?

This is why political illiterates shouldn’t be discussing politics. :wink:

  • Women shouldn’t vote.
  • Average life of an African American is 100% of their own making.
  • White people invented soul food.
  • Cowboys are cool.
  • Everything the left does is related to Marcuse and critical theory.
  • Global warming isn’t caused by man.
  • Fallenturtle is a jacksass.