(D)omestic Terror in Atlanta

You think Robert Byrd was on the right?


I know little about what his positions were back in the 40s when he was in the Klan other than being anti-segregation and anti-communist. But I also donā€™t think its relevant since he is one person. To prove the clan was left-wing, one should actually look at what the Klan stood for and not what one chapter leader from the tail end of its second incarnation thought.

Sure, why not. The only people who owe the bill are those who had family who committed the acts. The only ones who deserve to be paid are those who had family members who were affected.

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Maybe you can explain the need for leftist terrorist groups to hide their faces?

Didnā€™t the whole country benefit from slavery?

I just donā€™t agree with the idea that we should be hunting down the ancestors of slave owners, etcā€¦ seems counterproductive. And you canā€™t really target businesses even if I supported it because they would either pass the costs to consumers or somehow rebuild their company so they are technically a different company.

I still stand by my original positionā€¦ if weā€™re gonna do it, it should be done by the federal government.

No most of the United States did not benefit from slavery. In fact there were only 34 states when slavery ended. And nineteen of those states were free states.

This is some bonkers stuff right here.

Swing and a miss!

What I said had nothing to do with laying blame on those affected.

It had everything to do them not being afflicted.

Suffering is not an inheritable commodity. Every manā€™s suffering is uniquely his own and it dies with him.

Nobody deserves reparations. All former slaves are dead. 5th generation descendants deserve nothing.

They werenā€™t slaves.

There is only one political party in the US currently supporting government racism and that is the Democratic party.


Did you just seriously assert the country benefited from slavery?

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Even states that didnā€™t have slaves benefited from it. Where do you think they got their cotton from? All those ā€œfree statesā€ werenā€™t always free. And the colonies also benefited from slavery.

Do you really need that explained to you? Itā€™s pretty self-evidentā€¦ its to make it harder for people to identify the person wearing a mask. And its not a leftist thing. Its an ā€œiā€™m doing something wrong and donā€™t want to be recognizedā€ thingā€¦ which is pretty universal among folks engaging in illegal activities. Really, not covering up is pretty stupid.

Is that what you think makes the KKK left-wingā€¦ that they hid their faces?

Sure sureā€¦ so whatā€™s left wing about the KKK?

I honestly didnā€™t think this was a contested idea. Seems pretty obvious.

Of course, Iā€™m terrible at baseball, but this isnā€™t baseball.

If the inner cities arenā€™t how they are because of past racist policiesā€¦ then whoā€™s fault is it?

Trappers and natives wore buckskins. And I doubt poor settlers purchased a lot of clothing.

They are both racist, cover their faces when they commit crimes and were started by democrats.

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Only in the leftist minds. The majority of the country did not benefit from slavery.


Much of the cotton textile industry in the 19th century was in New England. There was interstate commerce. The south was not commercially isolated from the North.