Cynthia Lummis and Liz Cheney win their respective primaries in Wyoming

As opposed to libz “tribalism” that embraces exposures


Why did her dad direct our forces into Iraq from Afghanistan? What was his job prior to being the VP? Who financially benefitted the MOST from our invasion? Did the apple fall far from the tree?

Exactly how do you make $33 Million in 6 years working for the government?

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Invoking the civil war, I guess she wants another one.

^^^^^^ you tried Guv. ^^^^^^^

I certainly didn’t have you in mind when I posted that. :man_shrugging:


You asking me? Uh, I was against the Iraq war. But I don’t think Liz Cheney is avenging her father for it.

I think that Liz is an establishment politician that is in it for personal gain…JUST LIKE HER FATHER.


What about any of that requires Cheney to avenge her dad?

I wasn’t going along that path of thought. DICK was the CEO of Halliburton and that’s who went into Iraq right after our illicit invasion. Billions were made at the expense of the lives of our dead soldiers. I despise him and believe the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

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So…Cheney isn’t avenging her dad, but she must be punished for her father’s sins? Despite the fact that you and her agree on all the political issues of the day, but one?

Alrighty then.


I see. Not revenge, not daddy, but her bank account.

Got it.

I wonder: have you looked into the bank accounts of your own congress people?

I despise corruption…period.

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Agreed, and this is a definite black mark on congress. I am astounded that, despite everything else, we the people haven’t united to demand an end to it.

Yet I do find it curious how various other reasons are being floated to justify opposition to Cheney…a rock ribbed Conservative Republican, who you all agree with politically, but for one little niggling issue.

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IMO…the greatest step forward in the direction of correcting this, is term limits but for some reason, many are opposed.

I am sympathetic to the arguments against term limits, but at the end of the day, I agree, and come down in favor of term limits.

Including judges, BTW

By being married to the guy who actually made most of it.

Hey, welcome to the obvious facts of 2003-2008. It’s a shame you weren’t around here saying this back then, when those of us who were saying it were called traitors and terrorism-lovers and worse.

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Being said-I might add-by folks who now deny ever being in support of the second Iraq war.

Nevermind the almost palpable arousal when 6 days after 9/11, Cheney went on T.V. with perverse glee, to tell the country that we were going to have to start torturing people.

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