Incorporating today’s shifts from Cook and new polling from 538 there is no change in outcomes.
The following races are the races that all of the pundit sites (Sabato, Silver, Cook, DDHQ and Rotherberg) agree either will flip or stand the greatest chance of flipping:
Dem to GOP (Total gains: GOP+5)
NC-1/R+1 District; PA-8/R+4 District; NC-6/Redistricting;
NC-13/Redistricting; NC-14/Redistricting
GOP to Dem (Total gains: Dem+3)
LA-6/Redistricting; AL-2/Redistricting; NY-22/D+5 District
Note: In most other contested districts all of the pundit sites rate the remaining races toss ups or give a slight edge to the incumbent party.
Other House seats with the opportunity to flip (by party demographics) open seat, vulnerable, Polling Flip
Contested (R1 to D1 or Incumbent underwater)
Total: 12R, 16D; Vulnerable: 6R, 4D; Polling Flip: 2D, 2R
Competitive R2-R4 and D2-D4
Total: 14R,14D; Vulnerable: 4R; Polling Flip: 1R
Note: Vulnerability is based on party demographics for the district >+2 underwater or recent redistricting changes making the seat more competitive with a party demographic switch.
Note: Some of this is supported by polling now (538), but the polls are mostly candidate commissioned polls.
Note: Taking all of the polling flips, redistricting flips, and most vulnerable seats into account, the result is D+1; If Democrats all win these the result is D+16; If GOP wins all of them the result is R+11