Current Electoral Math

I think a lot of people go with the old adage “better the devil I know then the devil I don’t know.”

Were the Cyber Ninjas hand counting “Fake Ballots” in Arizona??

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Minnesota is in play.

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it’s satire. take a breath


If Trump wins PA, MI doesn’t matter

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Yes, its one of the states I listed as under 5 pts by either candidate. And most don’t know it yet, but so is VA

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This is for sure Trump’s election to lose. Biden is a really unpopular incumbent with the economy (at least the way it feels to the common man) being in the toilet.

There’s no reason Trump can’t win this.

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Three factors that can push this away from Trump.

  1. Conviction at Stormy trial
  2. Dems incredibly strong GOTV organization.
  3. Abortion.

*Non Factor.
*Where exactly will that hurt him?

Factor - Conviction could cost Trump key votes, polls show, but until then his trial doesn't seem to change minds - ABC News

Relevant - Democrats are better at getting out the vote: Jason Chaffetz | Fox News Video

With female voters, mostly.

But - with all that, I still expect Trump to win unless some major event throws a wrench into the works.

It’s the Devil with the Dashing Wife for me. :rofl:


Even Reagan couldn’t win Minnesota either time. That would be hilarious!


At this point, pretty much everyone knows both devils, and considers the other guy’s devil to be the worse one.


Minnesota is one of the few states that’s gotten redder in the last four decades. Dems have been fantasizing of a blue TX but a red MN is much closer.

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Latest polling in the contested states (lead under 5)

AZ: Trump is up 5+ points and has broken 50% in one poll
GA: Trump is up 4+ points and has broken 50% in four polls
NC: Trump is up 5+ points and has broken 50% in one poll
VA: Biden is up 4+ points and has not broken 50% in any poll
PA: Trump is up 2 pts and has broken 50% in one poll
MN: Biden is up 2+ pts and has not broken 50% in any poll
WI: Trump is up <1 pt and has broken 50% in two polls
MI: Trump is up <1 pt and has not broken 50% in any poll
ME: Biden is up by 2 pts and has broken 50% in one poll

Note: Biden has also broken 50% in polls in WI and MI

Marginal play states (lead >5 but <10)

NV: Trump is up 6+ points and has broken 50% in two polls.
NH: Biden is up 8 pts and has broken 50% in two polls
FL: Trump is up 9 pts and has broken 50% in three polls
TX: Trump is up 9+ pts and has broken 50% in two polls
CO: Biden is up 6+ pts and has not broken 50% in any poll
NJ: Biden is up 7 pts and has not broken 50% in any poll
NM: Biden is up 8 pts and has not broken 50% in any poll

If you consider trump to win FL, TX, AZ, NV, GA and NC he’s at 267 (268 with ME2) and wins by winning any other state (PA, MI, MN, WI, VA, ME, NH, CO, NJ, NM) or by winning ME2 (but losing ME) and NE2 he wins in the house 26-22.

For Biden to win, he has to pour money into PA, MI, WI, MN, ME and NE2. If he loses any one of them with the current polling, Trump wins


Let’s hope OBiden pours his bank into these states and still loses!

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The funny thing is, if Trump holds the states he is now leading by 4 pts or more he could spend his whole wad in NE2 and be the next President. If I were Trump, I would recognize that Biden has to spend a ton in those states, and put some money in VA, NM, ME and NE2 (much cheaper). Wait for Biden to respond, then pour it into PA and WI… never forgetting about NE2.


After these so called “debates” and if Team Trump plays the CNN asshats right, Americans will see a stammering, faux tough guy blundering and babbling through a joke of questions and answers.
Trump need only smile, use the Reganesque “well there you go again” response to Blockhead Joey’s lies and stick to issues Americans are concerned with.

I do not believe Trump should have agreed to Biden’s terms. Jake Tapper is a Trump hating moron and will do all he can to make Trump look bad and elevate Biden. And pumped up with enough Adderall, Biden comes across forceful and resolute. Trump may win the debate, but he’ll lose the expectations game.


As well Dana Bash not sure which hates him the worst.