Crits Gotta Crit Amazing - 1984 Puts On A Skirt

:rofl: Like what?

:rofl: That is one stupid statement.

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I dunno. Think Tea Party, but dumber.

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They need it to be true given their 4 years of screaming into their keyboards every time they woke up fantasizing about theTweet Meanie. :man_shrugging:


I dunno. I think it’s true just because there is so much screaming into keyboards here about crits and libz and progs and dems and first-person feminist novels. Lolololol. Even in the mornings. Pretty straightforward.

Whatever helps. It’s a free’ish country. lol

The move to tell the story from a different angle brought criticism from many on social media who suggested the move was exactly the kind of action that the original book warned against.

This is how I feel.

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Is it, though? This book is exactly the type of action the original book warned against. We need to be really concerned and upset about this. Freedom is fleeing for its life.

Free’ish. lol More about that in the Greatest Country thread.

You are including the Cons on this forum in that statement right? You know, the whole if one makes a post about (insert Con here), Libs are asked if we are “scared of them” “Outraged” or “Did they hurt your feelings” etc.

Libs have to ■■■■ everything up…it’s what they do.

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Says the obsessed lib.

Do tell…What am I obsessed with? I don’t let politics run my life. I don’t stop watching whatever or stop buying this or that because of politics like many Cons do on this board, or claim to anyways.

“I am sorry for triggering you”

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Whoops forgot that classic… :+1:

It’s a book of fiction… relax.

Obsessed with tearing down culture norms to placate ones social and sexual insecurities.

That’s classic karenism.

How do you know?

It hasn’t been published yet.

How do you know?

It hasn’t been published yet.

Says a lib that offended by American culture.